胡贵超,男,1980年6月出生,博士,教授,凝聚态物理专业博士生导师,物理系主任,理论物理教研室主任。1999年进入山东大学星空在线登录,星空(中国)学习,2003年获学士学位,2008年获凝聚态物理专业博士学位(硕博连读),2008年9月进入山东师范大学物理与微电子科学星空在线登录,星空(中国)工作。2012年2月-2012年7月及2016年5月-2017年3月,德国德累斯顿工业大学理论物理研究所访问学者,获德国德累斯顿工业大学优秀青年学者奖学金(DRESDEN Junior Fellowship),2014年2月-2016年11月,美国密苏里大学物理系访问学者。长期从事有机自旋电子学相关理论研究,在Phys. Rev. B、Appl. Phys. Lett.等国际权威TOP期刊发表SCI收录论文130余篇,受邀撰写综述论文1篇,参编英文专著2章。主持国家自然科学基金3项,省部级项目多项,首位获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖和三等奖各一次。2013年入选首批“山东师范大学优秀青年骨干教师国际合作培养(学科带头人培育)计划”。山东省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。指导的研究生多人次获国家奖学金。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,有机自旋-电荷转换极化子动力学研究,62万,(2020.1-2023.12)
2. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,分子自旋器件中的界面杂化态效应研究,15万,(2019.7-2022.6)
3. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,有机/铁磁界面极化反转及相关磁电阻效应研究,13万,(2014.12-2017.12)
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,有机磁性分子器件能态、自旋极化输运及功能性研究,20万,(2010.1-2012.12)
5. 山东省中青年科学家科研奖励基金,有机自旋器件磁电阻特性研究, 5万,(2009.12-2012.11)
6. 中国博士后科学基金,铁磁/有机/铁磁器件中的磁电阻现象研究,2万,(2009.5-2011.5)
7. 山东省博士后创新项目,有机器件磁电阻效应及其机理研究,2万,(2009.5-2011.5)
8. 国家自然科学基金科学部主任基金,有机器件中的自旋极化输运研究,5万,(2009.1-2009.12)
1. H. X. Chen, J. J. Lu, N. B. Wang, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan*, and J. F. Ren*, “Strain-induced high-Chern-number spin-unlocked edge states in monolayer MnAsO3 with intrinsic quantum anomalous Hall effect”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 153101 (2024).
2. J. J. Lu, H. X. Chen, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan*, and J. F. Ren*, “Chiral breathing-valley locking in two-dimensional kagome lattice Ta3I8”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 072101 (2024).
3. H. Ma, H. X. Li, H. Q. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. T. Li, C. Wang, J. F. Ren, and G. C. Hu*, “Molecular rectification induced by magnetization alignment in organic-ferromagnetic devices”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 4329 (2024).
4. Y. Y. Miao, H. Q. Zhang, H. Ma, H. X. Li, J. F. Ren, and G. C. Hu*, “Dynamical study of the spin Hall effect from interchain polaron hopping in organics”, Phys. Rev. B 109, 014314 (2024).
5. C. L. Li, H. X. Chen, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, J. F. Ren*, and X. W. Zhao*, “Strain and stacking induced topological phase transition in bipolar ferromagnetic semiconductor OsClBr”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 243101 (2023).
6. J. L. Wang, J. J. Lu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, S. Y. Qi*, and J. F. Ren*, “A theoretical study of novel orthorhombic group-IVB nitride halide monolayers for photocatalytic overall water splitting”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 28807 (2023).
7. H. X. Li, H. Ma, D. Li, H. Q. Zhang, Y. Y. Miao, J. F. Ren, C. Timm*, and G. C. Hu*, “Exciton-induced electric dipole moment in organic ferromagnets”, New J. Phys. 25, 103016 (2023).
8. Y. Y. Miao, D. Li, H. Q. Zhang, J. F. Ren*, G. C. Hu*, “Spin Hall effect from bipolaron dynamics in organics”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 7763 (2023).
9. R. J. Sun, R. Liu, J. J. Lu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren, and X. B. Yuan, “Tunable anomalous valley Hall effect and magnetic phase transition in MHfN2Cl2 (M=V, Cr) bimetallic nitrogen halide monolayers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 022404 (2023).
10. H. Ma, H. X. Li, D. Li, H. Q. Zhang, Y. Y. Miao, J. F. Ren, and G. C. Hu*, “Flat-band states induced negative differential resistance in organic-ferromagnetic devices”, Phys. Lett. A 462, 128654 (2023).
11. J. J. Lu, R. Liu, F. F. Yue, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, and J. F. Ren, “Enhanced Intrinsic Anomalous Valley Hall Effect Induced by Spin−Orbit Coupling in MXene Monolayer M3N2O2 (M = Y, La)”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 132 (2023).
12.Z. Yang, J. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, J. F. Ren, and X. W. Zhao, “Strain-tunable Zeeman splitting and optical properties of CrBr3/GeC van der Waals heterostructure”, Results Phys. 37, 105559 (2022).
13. G. C. Hu*, Y. Y. Miao, and C. Timm*, “Oscillating spin Hall effect from polaron transport in organic chains”, Phys. Rev. B 106, 144309 (2022).
14. H. X. Chen, R. Liu, J. J. Lu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren, and X. B. Yuan, “Intrinsic Valley-Polarized Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect and Controllable Topological Phase Transition in Janus Fe2SSe”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 10297 (2022).
15. Y. Y. Miao, L. Y. Chen, G. P. Zhang, C. K. Wang, J. F. Ren∗, C. Timm, and G. C. Hu*, “Mechanism of length-induced magnetism in polyacene molecules”, Phys. Rev. B 105, 094419 (2022).
16. Y. Y. Miao, D. W. Yu, D. Li, H. Q. Zhang, J. F. Ren∗, and G. C. Hu*, “Acceleration of polaron induced by site effective mass increment in organic ferromagnets”, New J. Phys. 24, 083044 (2022).
17. H. Q. Zhang, D. Li, Y. Y. Miao, S. Qiu, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu*, “Molecular rectification assisted by spin-polarized hybrid interfacial states”, Phys. Lett. A 443, 128200 (2022).
18. Y. Y. Miao, H. J. Kan, D. Li, C. K. Wang, J. F. Ren∗, and G. C. Hu*, “Spin precession of polarons in organic ferromagnets”, Phys. Lett. A 433, 128024 (2022).
19. R. J. Sun, J. J. Lu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, and J. F. Ren, “Robust valley polarization induced by super-exchange effects in HfNX (X=Cl, Br, I)/FeCl2 two-dimensional ferrovalley heterostructures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 063103 (2022).
20. X. B. Yuan, Y. H. Guo, J. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren, and X. W. Zhao, “Type-II Band Alignment and Tunable Optical Absorption in MoSSe/InS van der Waals Heterostructure”, Front. Chem. 10, 861838 (2022).
21. H. Wang*, H. Y. Shi, X. J. Yuan, J. F. Zhao, H. X. Bu, and G. C. Hu*, “Spin-dependent polaron dynamics in organic ferromagnets”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 614 (2022).
22. D. Li, H. Q. Zhang, Y. Y. Miao, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu,* “Length dependence of magnetoresistance in organic spin valves”, J. Appl. Phys. 131, 055501 (2022).
23. Z. P. Cao, Y. Y. Miao, S. Qiu, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, G. C. Hu,* and L. N. Zhao,* “Site-dependent spin-polarized tunneling via hybrid interface states on molecule/ferromagnet surface”, Phys. E 138, 115071 (2022).
24. J. T. Guo, Z. T. Lu, K. Y. Wang, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan,∗ and J. F. Ren, “Large valley polarization in a novel two-dimensional semiconductor H-ZrX2 (X = Cl, Br, I)”, J. Phys.: Condens. Mat. 34, 075701 (2022).
25. G. P. Zhang,* L. Y. Chen, J. M. Zhao, Y. Z. Sun, N. P. Shi, M. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, and C. K. Wang, “Large Rectification Ratio of up to 106 for Conjugation-Group Terminated Undecanethiolate Single-Molecule Diodes on Pt Electrodes” J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 20783 (2021).
26. J. T. Guo, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren,* and X. B. Yuan, “Observation and manipulation of valley polarization in two-dimensional H-Tl2O/CrI3 heterostructure”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 558, 149604 (2021).
27. Y. H. Guo, J. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan,∗, and J. F. Ren,∗ “ Strain-tunable electronic and optical properties of novel MoSSe/InSe van der Waals heterostructures”, Phys. Lett. A 404, 127395 (2021).
28. S. Qiu, Y. Y. Miao, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang,* and G. C. Hu,* “Modulation of hybrid interface states and magnetoresistance in quantum interference systems via functional groups”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 537, 168138 (2021).
29. Y. Y. Miao, S. Qiu, G. P. Zhang, C. K. Wang, J. F. Ren,* and G. C. Hu,* “Electric field induced magnetism decline in organic ferromagnets”, Physica E 131, 114729 (2021).
30. J. S. Qi, Y. Y. Miao, Y. J. Cui, S. Qiu, J. M. Zhao, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu,* “Length-induced large magnetoresistance in polyacene molecular spin valves”, Results. Phys. 27, 104510 (2021).
31. F. Tang, Z. Q. Wang, S. X. Wang, M. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, C. K. Wang, and G. P. Zhang, “Adsorption-site-dependent magnetic and electronic properties for single-or double-fluorine-atom adsorbed boron nitride nanotubes and their possible applications in spin filters”, Phys. Lett. A 389, 127071 (2021).
32. S. Qiu, Y. Y. Miao, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang,* and G. C. Hu,* “Protonation control of spin transport properties in magnetic single-molecule junctions”, J. Mater. Sci. 55, 16311 (2020).
33. Y. Q. Li, H. J. Kan, Y. Y. Miao, S. Qiu, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu,* “Magnetic manipulation of orbital hybridization and magnetoresistance inorganic ferromagnetic co-oligomers”, Physica E 124, 114327 (2020).
34. H. J. Kan, Y. Y. Miao, S. Qiu, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu,* “Weak-field polaron dynamics in organic ferromagnets”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 15707 (2020).
35. S. Qiu, Y. Y. Miao, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang,* and G. C. Hu,* “Manipulating Current Spin Polarization in Magnetic Single-Molecule Junctions via Destructive Quantum Interference”, J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 12144 (2020).
36. X. Gao, S. H. Liang, A. Ferri, W. C. Huang, D. Rouxel, X. Devaux, X. G. Li, H. X. Yang, M. Chshiev, R. Desfeux, A. D. Costa, G. C. Hu, M. Stoffel, A. Nachawaty, C. P. Jiang, Z. M. Zeng, J. P. Liu, H. Yang, and Yuan Lu, “Enhancement of ferroelectric performance in PVDF:Fe3O4 nanocomposite based organic multiferroic tunnel junctions”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 116, 152905 (2020).
37. X. W. Zhao, Y. Li, R. D. Liang, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, and J. F. Ren, “Enhanced valley polarization at valence/conduction band in transitionmetal-doped WTe2 under strain force”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 504, 144367 (2020).
38. Z. Q. Wang, F. Tang, M. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, J. C. Leng, C. K. Wang, and G. P. Zhang, “Modulation of spin thermoelectric properties in transition metal porphyrin single-molecule spin caloritronic devices by Fano resonance”, Physca E 121, 114129 (2020).
39. B. Qiu, X. W. Zhao, Y. Li, R. D. Liang, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, and J. F. Ren, “Effects of lanthanides doping on the optical properties of graphene/WSe2heterostructure based on ab-initio calculations”, Phys. Lett. A 384, 126663 (2020).
40. B. Qiu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, W. W. Yue, X. B. Yuan, and J. F. Ren, “Tuning electronic and optical properties of Graphene/WSe2 heterojunction by introducing vacancy: First principles calculations”, Physica E 116, 113729 (2020).
41. X. W. Zhao, B. Qiu, G. C. Hu, W. W. Yue, J. F. Ren, and X. B. Yuan, “Transition-metal doping/adsorption induced valley polarization in Janus WSSe: First-principles calculations”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 490, 172-177 (2019).
42. M. Z. Wei, X. X. Fu, Z. Q. Wang, G. C. Hu, Z. L. Li, C. K. Wang, and G. P. Zhang, “Bias and molecular-length dependent odd–even effect of rectification in 40-methyl-2,20-bipyridylterminated n-alkanethiolate single-molecule diodes”, J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 9000-9007 (2019).
43. S. Qiu, Y. Y. Miao, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang,* and G. C. Hu,* “Modulating hybrid interface states in magnetic molecular junctions by molecular geometrical torsion”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 489, 165465 (2019).
44. S. Qiu, Y. Y. Miao, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang,* and G. C. Hu,* “Enhancement of magnetoresistance and current spin polarization in single molecule junctions by manipulating the hybrid interface states via anchoring groups”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 479, 247-253 (2019).
45. G. M. He, S. Qiu, Y. J. Cui, C. J. Yu, Y. Y. Miao, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu,* “Multistate magnetoresistance in zigzag-edge trigonal graphene magnetic junctions”, J. Mater. Sci. 54, 5551-5560 (2019).
46. G. P. Zhang, Y. Q. Mu, J. M. Zhao, H. Huang, G. C. Hu, Z. L. Li, and C. K. Wang, “Optimizing the conductance switching performance in photoswitchable dimethyldihydropyrene/cyclophanediene single-molecule junctions”, Physica E 109, 1-5 (2019).
47. Z. Q. Wang, Y. F. Li, X. Niu, M. Z. Wei, M. M. Dong, G. C. Hu, Z. L. Li, D. Y. Wang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. P. Zhang, “Controlling the conductance of single-molecule junctions with high spin filtering efficiency by intramolecular proton transfer”, Org. Electron. 64, 7-14 (2019).
48. Y. Y. Miao, S. Qiu, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu,* “Ground-state properties of metal/organic-ferromagnet heterojunctions”, Phys. Rev. B 98, 235415 (2018).
49. C. J. Yu, Y. Y. Miao, S. Qiu, Y. J. Cui, G. M. He, G. P. Zhang, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu,* “Modulating spin-dependent electron transport in benzene-dithiolate magnetic junctions by hybrid interface states”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51, 345302 (2018).
50. Y. Y. Miao, S. Qiu, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu,* “Polarons in organic ferromagnets”, Org. Electron. 55, 133-139 (2018).
51. S. Qiu, Z. Zhang, Y. Y. Miao, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu*, “Modulation of spatial spin polarization at organic spinterface by side groups”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 427, 416 (2018).
52. X. B. Yuan, L. L. Cai, Y. L. Tian, G. C. Hu, and J. F. Ren, “Electric field induced spin polarization oscillation in nonmagnetic benzene/Cu(100) interface: First principles calculations”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 427, 156 (2018).
53. M. Z. Wei, Z. Q. Wang, X. X. Fu, G. C. Hu, Z. L. Li, C. K. Wang*, and G. P. Zhang*, “Theoretical understanding of the inversion of rectification direction in ferrocenyl-embedded tridecanethiolate single-molecule rectifiers”, Physica E 103, 397-402 (2018).
54. Z. Q. Wang, M. Z. Wei, M. M. Dong, G. C. Hu, Z. L. Li, C. K. Wang*, G. P. Zhang*, “High-Performance Single-Molecule Switch Designed by Changing Parity of Electronic Wave Functions via Intramolecular Proton Transfer”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 122, 17650-17659 (2018).
55. G. P. Zhang, Y. Q. Mu, M. Z. Wei, S. Wang, H. Huang, G. C. Hu, Z. L. Li, and C. K. Wang, “Designing molecular rectifiers and spin valves using metallocene-functionalized undecanethiolates: one transition metal atom matters”, J. Mater. Chem. C 6, 2105 (2018).
56. X. B. Yuan, Y. L. Tian, X. W. Zhao, W. W. Yue, G. C. Hu, and J. F. Ren, “Spin polarization properties of benzene/graphene with transition metals as dopants: First principles calculations: First principles calculations”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 439, 1158 (2018).
57. B. Qiu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, W. W. Yue, J. F. Ren,* and X. B. Yuan,* Optical Properties of Graphene/MoS2 Heterostructure: First Principles Calculations, Nanomaterials 8, 962 (2018).
58. G. P. Zhang, Z. Xie, Y. Song, G. C. Hu,* and C. K. Wang,* “Towards Rectifying Performance at the Molecular Scale”, Top. Curr. Chem. 375, 85 (2017).
59. G. C. Hu, S. J. Xie, C. K. Wang, and C. Timm, “Spin-dependent transport and functional design in organic ferromagnetic devices”, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 8, 1919 (2017).
60. S. Wang, M. Z. Wei, G. C. Hu, G. P. Zhang, and C. K. Wang, “Mechanisms of the odd-even effect and its reversal in rectifying performance of ferrocenyl-n-alkanethiolate molecular diodes”, Org. Electron. 49, 76 (2017).
61. G. P. Zhang, S. Wang, M. Z. Wei, G. C. Hu, and C. K. Wang, “Tuning the direction of rectification by adjusting location of bipyridyl group in alkanethiolate molecular diodes”, J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 7643 (2017).
62. G. P. Zhang, Z. Xie, Y. Song, M. Z. Wei, G. C. Hu, and C. K. Wang, “Is there a specific correlation between conductance and molecular aromaticity in single-molecule junction?” Org. Electron. 48, 29 (2017).
63. Z. Zhang, S. Qiu, Y. Y. Miao, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and G. C. Hu,* “Spin selection at organic spinterface by anchoring group”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 409, 60 (2017).
64. L. L. Cai, Y. L. Tian, X. B. Yuan, G. C. Hu, and J. F. Ren, “Electronic structures of spinterface for thiophene molecule adsorbedat Co, Fe, and Ni electrode: First principles calculations”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 389, 916 (2016).
65. G. C. Hu, Z. Zhang, G. P. Zhang, and C. K. Wang, “Inversion of spin-current rectification in magnetic co-oligomer diodes”, Org. Electron. 37, 485 (2016).
66. L. Zhang, L. L. Cai, X. B. Yuan, G. C. Hu, and J. F. Ren, “Effect of acceptor-donor complexes on electronic structure properties in co-doped TiO2: A first-principles study”, Physica E 81, 156 (2016).
67. J. F. Ren, Y. R. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. B. Yuan, and G. C. Hu, “Spontaneous spin polarization in rubrene studied by density functional theory calculations”, Physica E 66, 299 (2015).
68. G. C. Hu, M. Y. Zuo, Y. Li, J. F. Ren, and S. J. Xie, “Multi-state magnetoresistance in ferromagnet/organic-ferromagnet/ferromagnet junctions”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 033302 (2014).
69. G. C. Hu, H. Wang, J. F. Ren, S. J. Xie, and C. Timm, “Spin-charge disparity of polarons in organic ferromagnets”, Org. Electron. 15, 118 (2014).
70. G. P. Zhang, G. C. Hu,* Y. Song, Z. Xie, and C. K. Wang,* “Stretch or contraction induced inversion of rectification in diblock molecular junctions”, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 094702 (2013).
71. G. P. Zhang, G. C. Hu,* Y. Song, Z. L. Li, and C. K. Wang,* “Modification of rectification in diblock co-oligomer diodes by adjusting anchoring groups for both symmetric and asymmetric electrodes”, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 22009 (2012).
72. G. P. Zhang, G. C. Hu, Z. L. Li, and C. K. Wang, “Theoretical studies on protonation induced inversion of the rectifying direction in dipyrimidinyl-diphenyl diblock molecular junctions”, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 3773 (2012).
73. G. C. Hu, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren, C. K. Wang, and S. J. Xie, “Length dependent inversion of rectification in diblock co-oligomer diodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 082105 (2011).
74. H. Jiang, G. C. Hu, Y. Guo, and S. J. Xie, “Effects of spin excited states on electron transport through an organic ferromagnetic device”, Org. Electron. 10, 809 (2009).
75. G. C. Hu, K. L. He, A. Saxena, and S. J. Xie, “Spin-current rectification in an organic magnetic/nonmagnetic device”, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 234708 (2008).
76. Y. B. Zhang, J. F. Ren, G. C. Hu, and S. J. Xie, “Effects of polarons and bipolarons on spin polarized transport in organic semiconductors”, Org. Electron. 9, 687 (2008).
77. G. C. Hu, Y. Guo, J. H. Wei, and S. J. Xie, “Spin filtering through a metal/organic-ferromagnet /metal structure”, Phys. Rev. B 75, 165321 (2007).
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79. G. C. Hu, Y. Guo, J. H. Wei, and S. J. Xie, “Kink and conductance of an organic molecular wire”, Phys. Lett. A 370, 78 (2007).
1. 2023年山东师范大学优秀研究生指导教师
2. 2022年山东师范大学高等教育教学成果奖二等奖
3. 2022年山东师范大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师
4. 2019-2022连续四年获山东师范大学优秀学士学位论文指导教师
5. 2021年山东师范大学第四届研究生“五导”卓越导学团队骨干成员
6. 2020年山东省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师
7. 2020年获山东省高等学校科学技术奖二等奖(第四位)
8. 2019年获山东省高等学校科学技术奖二等奖(第三位)
9. 2017年山东师范大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师
10. 2016年德国德累斯顿工业大学Dresden Junior Fellowship
11. 2015年获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖(第一位)
12. 2013年入选首批“山东师范大学优秀青年骨干教师国际合作培养(学科带头人培育)计划”
13. 2009年获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖(第一位)
1. “Oscillating Spin Hall Effect in Organic Chains via Polaron Transport” (Poster), August 13, 2018, Halle, Germany
2. “Spin-dependent transport and functional design in organic ferromagnetic devices”(Oral), February 10, 2017, Technischen Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
3. “Multi-state magnetoresistance in ferromagnet/organic-ferromagnet/ferromagnet junctions”(Poster), APS March Meeting 2016, May 14-18, 2016, Baltimore, Maryland, US
4. “Design of organic spintronic devices with organic ferromagn” (Oral), June 30, 2016, Technischen Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
5. “Spin-dependent transport in organic-ferromagnet devices” (Oral), December 10, 2014, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, US
6. “Spin-dependent transport in organic-ferromagnet devices” (Oral, invited), “Towards Molecular Spintronics”, June 22-23, 2012, Burgstädt, Germany.
7. The 20th ICSM, July 4-9, 2010, Kyoto, Japan.
8. “Spin-current rectification in magnetic/nonmagnetic co-oligomers” (Poster), Asian Magnetic Conference 2008, December 10-13, 2008, Busan, Korea.
9. SpinOS 2007, September 9-11, 2007, Bologna, Italy