国承山,男,1958年出生,理学博士,星空在线登录,星空(中国)教授、博士生导师。1982 年1月大学本科毕业于山东师范大学物理系物理专业,1987年7月硕士研究生毕业于陕西师范大学物理系光学专业。2004年12月博士研究生毕业于南京大学物理系物理学专业。自1986 年以来,先后开展了单模光纤双折射滤色器、白光全息、全息银盐记录材料的高温漂白特性及应用、白光动态合成全息技术、计算全息和衍射光学元件、数字全息和相干衍射成像、光学涡旋和光学微操纵等课题的理论与实验研究。先后主持承担国家自然科学基金项目4项、山东省自然科学基金项目1项和山东省教育厅科研项目2项,参加完成多项国家级和省级科研项目。已在国内外重要专业学术刊物上以第一作者或通信作者身份发表学术论文90余篇, 授权发明专利7项。 目前主要开展衍射光学元件及其应用、数字全息和相干衍射成像、光学涡旋和矢量光束等领域的理论与实验研究。
1. “基于飞秒/皮秒脉冲激光的超快时间分辨多通道偏振全息显微成像系统及其应用研究,” 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目, 73万 (直接经费), 2018.01-2020.12, 主持。
2. “基于矢量空间光调制器的矢量光场通过散射介质的聚焦和成像方法研究,” 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11474186),2015.01-2018.12, 76万,主持。
1.Ben-Yi Wang, Lu Han, Yang Yang, Qing-Yang Yue and Cheng-Shan Guo*, "Wavefront sensing based on spatial light modulator and incremental binary random sampling," Opt. Lett. 42(3), 603-606 (2017).
2.Xuan Liu, Yang Yang, Lu Han, and Cheng-Shan Guo, "Fiber-based lensless polarization holography for measuring Jones matrix parameters of polarization-sensitive materials," Opt. Express 25(7), 7288-7299 (2017)
3.Yi-Yan Xie, Ben-Yi Wang, Zhen-Jia Cheng, Qing-Yang Yue, Cheng-Shan Guo, "Measurement of vector transmission matrix and congtrol of beam focusing through a multiple-scattering medium based on a vector spatial light modulator and two-channel polarization holography," Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 221105 (2017).
4.Qing-Yang Yue, Zhen-Jia Cheng, Lu Han, Yang Yang, and Cheng-Shan Guo, "One-shot time-resolved holographic polarization microscopy for imaging lase-induced ultrafast phenomena," Opt. Express, 25(13), 14182-14191 (2017).
5.Lu Han, Zhen-Jia Cheng, Yang Yang, Ben-Yi Wang, Qing-Yang Yue, and Cheng-Shan Guo, “Double-channel angular-multiplexing polarization holography with common-path and off-axis configuration,” Opt. Express 25(18), 21877-21886 (2017).
6.Yi-Yan Xie, Zhen-Jia Cheng, Xuan Liu, Ben-Yi Wang, Qing-Yang Yue, and Cheng-Shan Guo, “Simple method for generation of vector beams using a small-angle birefringent beam splitter,” Opt. Lett. 40(21), 5109-5112 (2015).
7.Zhen-Jia Cheng, Ben-Yi Wang, Yi-Yan Xie, Yu-Jie Lu, Qing-Yang Yue, and Cheng-Shan Guo, "Phase retrieval and diffractive imaging based on Babinet's principle and complementary random sampling," Opt. Express 23(22), 28874-28882(2015).
8.Ben-Yi Wang, Xiao-Lu Ge, Qing-Yang Yue, and Cheng-Shan Guo, "Determining the vortex densities of random nondiffracting beams," Opt. Lett. 40(7), 1418-1421 (2015).
9.Xiao-Lu Ge, Ben-Yi Wang, and Cheng-Shan Guo, "Evolution of phase singularities of vortex beams propagating in atmospheric turbulence," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32(5), 837-842 (2015).
10.Cheng-Shan Guo, Zhen-Yu Rong and Shu-Zhen Wang, "Double-channel vector spatial light modulator for generation of arbitrary complex vector beams," Opt. Lett. Vol.39, No.2, 386 (2014).
11.Cheng-Shan Guo, Bei Sha, Yi-Yan Xie and Xiu-Jiang Zhang, "Zero difference algorithm for phase shift extraction in blind phase-shifting holography," Opt. Lett. Vol.39(4), 813 (2014).
12.Zhen-Yu Rong, Yu-Jing Han, Shu-Zhen Wang, and Cheng-Shan Guo, "Generation of arbitrary vector beams with cascaded liquid crystal spatial light modulators," Opt. Express 22(2), 1636 (2014).
13.Xiao-Lu Ge, Xuan Liu, and Cheng-Shan Guo, "Evolution of branch points for a laser beam propagating through an uplink turbulent atmosphere," Opt. Express 22(6), 6569 (2014).
14.Cheng-Shan Guo, Yi-Yan Xie, and Bei Sha,"Diffraction Algorithm suitable for both near- and far-field with shifted destination window and oblique illumination," Opt. Lett. 39(8), 2338 (2014).
15.Bei Sha, Xuan Liu, Xiao-Lu Ge, and Cheng-Shan Guo, "Fast reconstruction of off-axis digital holograms based on digital spatial multiplexing," Opt. Express 22(19), 23066 (2014).
16.Xuan Liu, Ben-Yi Wang, and Cheng-Shan Guo, "One-step Jones matrix polarization holography for extraction of spatially resolved Jones matrix of polarization-sensitive materials," Opt. Lett. 39 (21), 6170 (2014).
17.Cheng-Shan Guo, Ben-Yi Wang, Bei Sha, Yu-Jie Lu, and Ming-Yuan Xu, "Phase derivative method for reconstruction of slightly off-axis digital holograms," Opt. Express 22(25), 30553-30558 (2014).
18.Yu-Jing Han, Cheng-Shan Guo, Zhen-Yu Rong, and Li-Ming Chen, "Radial Hilbert transform with the spatially variable half-wave plate," Opt. Lett. Vol. 38, No. 23, 5169 (2013).
19.Cheng-Shan Guo, Ya-Nan Yu, Xin-Ting Zhang, Jia-Rui Zhao, and Hao Jiang, “Three-dimensional coordinate measurements using a multiple-pinhole interferometer,” Optics Letters Vol. 36, No.12, 2260-2262 (2011).
20.Cheng-Shan Guo, Kun Liang, Xin-Ting Zhang, Hui-Tian Wang, “Real-time coherent diffractive imaging with convolution-solvable sampling array”, Optics Letters Vol. 35, No.6, 850-852(2010).
21.Xi-Lin Wang, Jing Chen, Yongnan Li, Jianping Ding, Cheng-Shan Guo, and Hui-Tian Wang, “Optical orbital angular momentum from the curl of polarization”, Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 105, 253602 (2010).
22.Cheng-Shan Guo, Lei-Lei Lu, Gong-Xiang Wei, J. L. He and D. M. Tong, “Non-iterative Diffractive imaging based on a multi-pinhole plate,” Optics Letters. Vol. 34, 1813 (2009).
23.Cheng-Shan Guo, Shu-Juan Yue and Gong-Xing Wei, “Measuring the orbital angular momentum of optical vortices using a multi-pinhole plate,” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 94, 231104 (2009).
24.Cheng-Shan Guo, Lei-Lei Lu and Hui-Tian Wang, “Characterizing topological charge of optical vortices by using an annular aperture,” Optics Letters, Vol. 34, No.23, 3686 (2009).
25.Cheng-Shan Guo, Ling Li, Lin-Wei Zhu, Gong-Xiang Wei, Jianping Ding, and Hui-Tian Wang, “Phase contrast Talbot array illuminators”, Optics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 8, 818-820 (2008).
26.Cheng-Shan Guo, Qing-Yang Yue, Gong-Xiang Wei, Lei-Lei Lu, and Shu-Juan Yue, “Laplacian differential reconstruction of in-line holograms recorded at two different distances”, Optics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 17, 1945-1947 (2008).
27.Cheng-Shan Guo, Xia Yin, Lin-Wei Zhu and Zheng-Ping Hong, “Analytical expression for phase distribution of a hexagonal array at fractional Talbot planes”, Optics Letters, Vol.32(15), 2079-2081(2007).
28.Xi-Lin Wang, Jianping Ding, Wei-Jiang Ni, Cheng-Shan Guo, and Hui-Tian Wang, “Generation of arbitrary vector beams with a spatial light modulator and a common path interferometric arrangement,” Optics Letters, Vol. 32(24), 3549-3551 (2007).
29.Cheng-Shan Guo, Yan Zhang, Yu-Jing Han, Jian-Ping Ding and Hui-Tian Wang, “Generation of optical vortices with arbitrary shape and array via helical phase spatial filtering”, Optics Communications, Vol. 259, 449-454 (2006).
30.Cheng-Shan Guo, Yu-Jing Han, Jian-Bo Xu, Jian-Ping Ding, “Radial Hilbert Transform with Laguerre-Gaussian spatial filters,” Optics Letters, Vol. 31, 1394-1396(2006).
31.Cheng-Shan Guo, Don-Mei Xue, Yu-Jing Han, and Jian-Ping Ding, “Optimal phase steps of a multi-level spiral phase plate,” Optics Communications, Vol.268, 235-239(2006).
32.Cheng-Shan Guo, Xuan Liu, Jing-Liang He and Hui-Tian Wang, “Optimal annular structure of optical vortices”, Opt. Express, Vol.12, No.19, 4625-4634(2004).
33.Cheng-Shan Guo, Xin Cheng, Xiu-Yun Ren, Jian-Ping Ding and Hui-Tian Wang, “Optical vortex phase-shifting digital holography,” Opt. Express, Vol.12, No.22, 5167-5171 (2004).
34.Cheng-shan Guo, Li Zhang, Zhenyu Rong and Hui-Tian Wang,” Effect of the fill factor of CCD pixels on digital holograms: Comment on the paper “Frequency analysis of digital holography” and "Frequency analysis of digital holography with reconstruction by convolution"”, Optical Engineering,Vol.42, No.9, 2768-2771 (2003).
35.Cheng-Shan Guo,Li Zhang,Hui-Tian Wang, Jun Liao and Y.Y. Zhu;“Phase-Shifting Error and Its Elimination in Phase-Shifting Digital Holography”,Opt. Lett., Vol.27, No.19, 1687-1689 (2002).
36.Cheng-shan Guo, De-an Liu, L.Z. Cai and Q. Liu, “One-step recording of dot array color hologram with a reference beam encoding plate”, Opt. Lett., Vol.27, No.20, 1821-1823 (2002).
37.C. S. Guo, L. Z. Cai, and W. T. Wang, "Dot-array rainbow hologram", Opt. Lett.,1996, Vol.21, No.18, 1-2.
38.L. Z. Cai, C. S. Guo, "Large-angle one-step annular aperture rainbow hologram", Opt. Lett. 1993, Vol.18, No.1, 69-71.
39.C. S. Guo, L. Z. Cai, ”Postheat treatment of silver halide holograms”, Opt. Lett., 1991, Vol.16,No.22, 1777-1779.
(2) "新型激光束和激光器件以及激光无透镜衍射成像的理论与实验研究," 2012年度山东省自然科学奖二等奖. (第一位)。
(3) "数字全息光学波前调控和测量方法研究," 2015年山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖.(第一位).
(3).国承山,荣振宇,王淑贞,“双通道矢量空间光调制器,” 发明专利,专利号:201410002941.9.