高垣梅 教授


电子邮箱: gaoyuanmei@sdnu.edu.cn     办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区D209








1. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,自散焦介质中非相干调制不稳定性的研究,5万,2008.01-2010.10








(28) Chengzhen Lu, Yuanmei Gao, Xuefei Cao, Yingying Ren, Zhanghua Han, Yangjian Cai, and Zengrun Wen*. Linear and nonlinear edge and corner states in graphenelike moiré lattices[J]. Physical Review B, 2023, 108(1): 014310.

(27) Yuanmei Gao, Hongyu Zhu, Xiaoxiong Wang, Rong Shen, Xiaoming Zhou, Xiaofei Zhao, Zhen Li, Chao Zhang, Fengcai Lei,* and Jing Yu*. Promising mass‐productive 4‐inch commercial SERS sensor with particle in micro‐nano porous Ag/Si/Ag structure using in auxiliary diagnosis of early lung cancer[J]. Small, 2023: 2207324.

(26) Siwei Tang , Chunlei Shang, Chengzhen Lu, Xiaolei Sun, Yangjian Cai*, Yuanmei Gao*, and Zengrun Wen*. Optical localization transition in a dual-periodical phase-modulated synthetic photonic lattice[J]. Physical Review A, 2023, 107(2): 023505.

(25) Siwei Tang, Chunlei Shang, Zhaofeng Liu, Chengzhen Lu, Yangjian Cai*, Yuanmei Gao*, Zengrun Wen*. “Self-healing of holographically generated moiré lattice wave fields”, Chinese Optics Letters, 2023, 21: 030502.

(24) Zengrun Wen, Weiming Wang, Song Gao, Kaile Wang, Yangjian Cai, Yuanmei Gao*. Soliton macromolecule dynamics in fiber lasers with sinusoidal filtered nonlinear optical loop mirror; Physical Review A; 2022, 106(2), 2469-9926.

(23) Zengrun Wen, Song Gao, Weiming Wang, Yangjian Cai, Yuanmei Gao*. Non-Hermitian mode-locking synthesized by parity-time and anti-parity-time symmetric modulations; Optics Letters; 2022, 47(14): 3443-3446.

(22) Yisheng Wei, Chenxi Wang, Fengcai Lei, Chundong Liu, Jia Li,Zhen Li, Chao Zhang , Yuanmei Gao*, and Jing Yu*.  Precise real-time quantification for photocatalytic reaction: integration of the sensitive in-situ SERS sensor and high-efficiency photocatalyst[J]. Nanotechnology, 2022, 33(22): 225701.

(21)  Lina Zhao , Ye Yuan , Luyang Tong , Wenyu Zhang , Zhongshuai Zhang , Tingyin Ning ,Yangjian Cai* and Yuanmei Gao*. Passively Q-Switched Yb: CALGO Laser Based on Mo: BiVO4 Absorber. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(9): 2364.

(20) Yisheng Wei, Xiaobao Yuan, Chuanshen Han, Chonghui Li, Zhen Li, Chao Zheng, Qianqian Peng, Fengcai Lei, Yuanmei Gao*, and Jing Yu*. Heterostructured Cu 2 O–Au nanowire as a dual-functional nanocomposite for environmental pollutant degradation and hydrogen peroxide sensing. Applied Optics, 2021, 60(20): 5936-5941.

(19) Xin Li, Zhongshuai Zhang , Yanyan Huo * , Lina Zhao , Qingyang Yue , Shouzhen Jiang , Huawei Liang ,Yuanmei Gao * and Tingyin Ning *. Broadband and Ultra-Low Threshold Optical Bistability in Guided-Mode Resonance Grating Nanostructures of Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(11): 2843.

(18) Lina Zhao , Wenyu Zhang,Ye Yuan, Luyang Tong, Jie Liu, Yangjian Cai* and Yuanmei Gao*. Mo: BiVO4 Nanoparticles-Based Optical Modulator and Its Application in a 2-μm Pulsed Laser. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(12): 3243.

(17) Chunlei Shang, Chengzhen Lu, Siwei, Tang, Yuanmei Gao*, and Zengrun Wen*, Generation of gradient photonic moiré lattice fields, Optics Express, 2021, 29(18): 29116-29127.

(16) Tingyin Ning, Xin Li, Zhongshuai Zhang, Yanyan Huo, Qingyang Yue, Lina Zhao, and Yuanmei Gao*, Ultimate conversion efficiency of second harmonic generation in all-dielectric resonators of quasi-BICs in consideration of nonlinear refraction of dielectrics, Optics Express, 2021, 29(11): 17286-17294.

(15) Jing Lyu, Chengzhen Lu, Chunlei Shang, Song Gao, Xinyuan Qi, Yangjian Cai*, and Yuanmei Gao*, " Observation of three-dimensional periodic vortex photonic lattices," Superlattices and Microstructures,2019,130,147-152.

(14) Jing Lyu, Zenrun Wen, Kun Han, Xinyuan Qi, and Yuanmei Gao* "Nonlinear transmission and pseudospin in two-dimensional octagon and dodecagon photonic lattices," Opt. Mater. Express 8, 2713-2721 (2018).

(13张燕,赵曰峰,赵丽娜,郑立仁,高垣梅*,“光折变晶体LiNbO3:Fe中的特殊散射现象研究,物理学报,668 2017 084206

(12)Yuanmei Gao, Zengrun. Wen, Liren Zheng, Lina Zhao," Complex periodic non-diffracting beams generated by superposition of two identical periodic wave fields," Opt. Commun, 2017, 389, 123–127.

(11)Yuanmei GaoShanshan Chu , Optical induction of non-diffracting discrete photonic lattice, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2015,78,163-170.

(10)Yuanmei GaoDaohong SongShanshan ChuZhigang Chen, Artificial Graphene and Related PhotonicLattices Generated With a Simple Method, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2014,6 (6)2201806(1-6),.

(9)Wentao Jin,Yuanmei Gao *, Mengmeng Liu, Fabrication of large area two-dimensional nonlinear photonic lattices using improved Michelson interferometer, Optics Communications, 2013,289,140-143.

(8)Wentao Jin,Yuanmei Gao *, Fabrication of two-dimensional elliptic photonic lattices in photorefractive crystal by optical induction method," Opt.Quan.Electron, 2013, 45, 1269-1275.

(7)Yuanmei Gao, Mengmeng Liu, "Design of two-dimensional 7-, 8-, 9-, 10-,14-, 16-fold Penrose-tiled photonic quasicrystals and mixed honeycomb," Optical Engineering, 2013,52(5),053401(1-5).

(6) Rong Lin,Yuanmei Gao *, Factors that influence the modulation instability in self-defocusing photorefractive crystal, Optics Communications, 2012, 285, 2724-2728.

(5) Wentao Jin,Yuanmei Gao *, A simple method for fabricating two- and three-dimensional photorefractive photonic lattices microstructures, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2012, 51,114-118.

(4) Wentao Jin,Yuanmei Gao * Optically induced two-dimensional photonic quasi-crystal lattices in iron-doped lithium niobate crystal with an amplitude maskApplied Physics Letter, 2012, 101, 141104(1-4).

(3) Rong Lin,Yuanmei Gao *, Observation of the modulation instability and frequency-doubling in self-defocusing crystal, Physics Letter A. 2011,375, 3228-3231.

(2)Wentao Jin,Yuanmei Gao *, Optically induced three-dimensional nonlinear photonic lattices in LiNbO3 :Fe crystals, Optical materials, 2011,34, 143-146.

(1) Wentao Jin,Yuanmei Gao*, Optical fabrication of three-dimensional photonic lattices in LiNbO3 :Fe crystals with a single amplitude mask, Optical communications, 2011,284, 5814-5817.


17.  2023.06 校级优秀硕士学位论文:合成光子晶格的局域和泰伯效应研究》指导教师。

16.  2023.06 校级优秀硕士学位论文:《多孔Ag/Si/Ag结构中的调控及其拉曼应用研究》指导教师

15. 2022.06 校级优秀硕士学位论文:《莫尔晶格光场的梯度设计和自修复研究》指导教师。

14. 2021.09 评为星空在线登录,星空(中国)2021年度教学十佳教师

13. 2020 获山东师范大学东岳学者青年人才称号

12. 2020.07 基于飞秒激光微纳加工的新型光波导器件的研究 2020年度山东省高等学校科学技术奖 一等奖第

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10. 2018.08 获山东省“优秀青年学术奖”

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1. 2012.06 校级优秀硕士学位论文:《二维和三维光折变光子晶格的制作和研究》指导教师


4. 2022.01-2024.12 参与省级教改重点项目:基于国家级物理虚拟仿真实验平台的课程体系改革与建设

3. 2019.12-2021.12 参与校级教改重点项目:基于虚拟仿真的近代物理课程的研究

2. 2014.01-2015.12主持实验教学改革项目:基于近代物理专题实验的分解实验的设计(项目编号:SYJG302071

1. 2010.01-2011.12主持实验教学改革项目:信息光学实验系统的建立与完善