任俊峰 教授


电子邮箱: renjf@sdnu.edu.cn     办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区文澜楼F430

任俊峰,男,19792月生,山东高青人,博士,教授,博士研究生导师山东省高等学校青创科技支持计划光电功能材料与器件优秀青年创新团队负责人,山东师范大学期刊社副总编辑,凝聚态物理博士点负责人、学术带头人,科研创新团队负责人研究生五导卓越导学团队主导师十佳教师。兼任中国高校科技期刊研究会第九届理事会理事,山东物理学会第十三届理事会常务理事,曾任星空在线登录,星空(中国)副院长1997年进入山东师范大学物理系学习,2001年取得学士学位,2006年在山东大学取得理学博士学位(硕博连读),同年7月进入星空在线登录,星空(中国)工作,2013年晋升为教授。2010.08-2011.08,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室访问学者。2014.09-2015.09,美国佛罗里达州立大学访问学者。承担本科生《量子力学》、《固体物理学》和硕博士研究生《固体理论》、《低维凝聚态物理》等课程的教学任务。曾获山东省大学生物理科技创新大赛优秀指导教师,山东师范大学优秀博/硕士学位论文指导教师优秀教学奖优秀研究生导师等荣誉。主要从事凝聚态理论、低维纳米材料电子结构、自旋电子学等方面的研究工作。作为负责人主持了国家自然科学基金项目6项,省部级科研项目4项;曾获山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖自然科学一等奖(第一位),山东省自然科学一等奖(第三位)等;在Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Phys. Chem. Lett.等本领域主流期刊发表科研论文150多篇,参编外文学术专著2部。共培养30多名硕博士研究生,其中多人次获山东省优秀毕业生、国家奖学金、校长奖学金、校优秀博士/硕士学位论文等荣誉。








1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12274264、二维四方Janus材料内禀能谷极化性质及其调控和应用的理论研究,2023.01-2026.12、直接经费55万元、在研、主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11674197、大尺度有机半导体材料电荷输运性质的分子动力学量子时域模拟,2017.01-2020.12、直接经费60万元、已结题、主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,11791240262、量子输运专题研讨会,2017.07-2017.121.5万元、已结题、主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,11981240359、纳米声子学-统计物理和分子模型及实验国际学术会议,2019.06-2019.121.5万元、已结题、主持。

5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,10904083、有机器件自旋扩散漂移性质理论研究与器件设计,2010.01-2012.1220万元、已结题、主持。

6. 国家自然科学基金科学部主任基金理论物理专款,10747143、自旋扩散注入有机半导体的理论研究,2008.01-2008.122万元、已结题、主持。

7. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2022MA039、新型四方谷层耦合材料自发能谷极化性质研究,2023.01-2025.1210万元、在研、主持。

8. 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,2007BS01017、自旋注入有机半导体的界面效应研究,2007.01-2009.126万元、已结题、主持。

9. 山东省高等学校科技计划项目,J09LA03、有机自旋器件磁电阻性质研究,2009.01-2011.125万元、已结题、主持。 

10. 山东省高等学校青创科技支持计划,2019KJJ014光电功能材料与器件优秀青年创新团队,低维材料结构物性研究及其在电调控SERS光谱中的应用, 2020.01-2022.1218万元、已结题、主持。

11. 晶体材料的太赫兹声子谱特征仿真计算,横向项目,2019.07-2020.1015万元、已结题、主持。

12. 山东师范大学科研创新团队(B类),光电功能材料与器件创新团队,2020.07-2023.0730万元,已结题、主持。



1. Haomiao Cheng, Hongxin Chen, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan, Junfeng Ren*, and Xiuwen Zhao*, Electrical Control of the Valley−Layer Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Bilayer Lattices, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15, 8759−8765

2. Fanzheng Chen, Jiajun Lu, Xiuwen Zhao, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan, and Junfeng Ren*, Realization of Yin–Yang kagome bands and tunable quantum anomalous Hall effect in monolayer V3Cl6, Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 043103 (2024)

3. Hongxin Chen, Jiajun Lu, Naibin Wang, Xiuwen Zhao, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan*, and Junfeng Ren*, Strain-induced high-Chern-number spin-unlocked edge states in monolayer MnAsO3 with intrinsic quantum anomalous Hall effect, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 153101 (2024)

4. Jiajun Lu, Hongxin Chen, Xiuwen Zhao, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan*, and Junfeng Ren*, Chiral breathing-valley locking in two-dimensional kagome lattice Ta3I8, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 072101 (2024)

5. Sartaj Wali, Lizhao Su, Muhammad Shafi, Zhaoxuan Wu, Hongbin Zhang*, and Junfeng Ren*, High-Sensitivity Flexible Photodetectors Based on Bi2Te3/Rubrene Schottky Heterojunction with Superior Interface, Cryst. Growth Des. 2024, 24, 2331−2342

6. Hongxin Chen, Xiaobo Yuan, and Junfeng Ren*, Anomalous valley Hall effect in two-dimensional valleytronic materials, Chin. Phys. B 33, 047304 (2024)

7. Congling Li, Hongxin Chen, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan, Junfeng Ren*, and Xiuwen Zhao*, Strain and stacking induced topological phase transition in bipolar ferromagnetic semiconductor OsClBr, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 243101 (2023)

8. Naibin Wang, Junfeng Ren*, and Sai Lyu*, Modulating superexchange interactions in the two-dimensional high Curie temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors MoXY (X = S, Se; Y = Br, I), PHYSICAL REVIEW B 108, 064425 (2023)

9. R. J. Sun, R. Liu, J. J. Lu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren*, and X. B. Yuan*, Tunable anomalous valley Hall effect and magnetic phase transition in MHfN2Cl2 (M =V, Cr) bimetallic nitrogen halide monolayers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 022404 (2023)

10. J. J. Lu, R. Liu, F. F. Yue, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan*, and J. F. Ren*, Enhanced Intrinsic Anomalous Valley Hall Effect Induced by SpinOrbit Coupling in MXene Monolayer M3N2O2 (M = Y, La), J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 132138

11. Ran Liu, Jiajun Lu, Hongxin Chen, Xiuwen Zhao, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan, and Junfeng Ren*, Prediction of π-electrons mediated high-temperature superconductivity in monolayer LiC12, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35 (2023) 144001

12. C L Li, N B Wang, G C Hu, X B Yuan, J F Ren*, and X W Zhao* Structure-controlled valley splitting and anomalous valley Hall effect in Janus VSe2/VSeX (X = S, Te) heterojunctions, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56 (2023) 135301

13. Jiali Wang, Jiajun Lu, Xiuwen Zhao, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan*, and Junfeng Ren*, Two-dimensional Janus AsXY (X = Se, Te; Y = Br, I) monolayers for photocatalytic water splitting, Eur. Phys. J. B (2023) 96:17

14. Hongxin Chen, Ran Liu, Jiajun Lu, Xiuwen Zhao, Guichao Hu, Junfeng Ren*, and Xiaobo Yuan*, Intrinsic Valley-Polarized Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect and Controllable Topological Phase Transition in Janus Fe2SSe, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 1029710304

15. Jiajun Lu, Fanyao Qu*, Hao Zeng, Alexandre Cavalheiro Dias, David S. Bradao, and Junfeng Ren*, Intrinsic Valley Splitting and Direct-to-Indirect Band Gap Transition in Monolayer HfZrSiCO2, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 52045212

16. R. J. Sun, R. Liu, J. J. Lu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, and J. F. Ren*, Reversible switching of anomalous valley Hall effect in ferrovalley Janus 1T-CrOX (X = F, Cl, Br, I) and the multiferroic heterostructure CrOX/In2Se3, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 105, 235416 (2022)

17. R. J. Sun, J. J. Lu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan*, and J. F. Ren*, Robust valley polarization induced by super-exchange effects in HfNX(X=Cl,Br,I)/FeCl2 two-dimensional ferrovalley heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 063103 (2022)

18. Jiatian Guo, Zhutong Lu, Keyu Wang, Xiuwen Zhao, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan*, and Junfeng Ren*, Large valley polarization in a novel two-dimensional semiconductor H-ZrX2 (X = Cl, Br, I), J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34 (2022) 075701

19. Huihui Wei, Jingyi Song, Yunhui Guo, Xiaobo Yuan*, Junfeng Ren*, Spatial and polarization-resolved exciton-photon coupling in quasi-whispering-gallery mode ZnO microrod cavity, Optics Communications 511 (2022) 128014

20. X. B. Yuan, Y. H. Guo, J. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren*, and X. W. Zhao*, Type-II Band Alignment and Tunable Optical Absorption in MoSSe/InS van der Waals Heterostructure, Frontiers in Chemistry 10:861838 (2022)

21. Z. Yang, J. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, J. F. Ren*, X. W. Zhao*, Strain-tunable Zeeman splitting and optical properties of CrBr3/GeC van der Waals heterostructure, Results in Physics 37 (2022) 105559

22. Sartaj Wali, Qin Yin, Jiao Li, Guoxiang Si, Muhammad Shafi, Junfeng Ren*, and Hongbin Zhang*, Organic rubrene/topological insulator Bi2Se3/SiO2 hybrid heterojunction photodetectors for broadband and ultrafast photodetection application, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 1289-1301

23. Yuanyuan Miao, Liyuan Chen, Guangping Zhang, Chuankui Wang, Junfeng Ren*, Carsten Timm*, and Guichao Hu*, Mechanism of length-induced magnetism in polyacene molecules, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 105, 094419 (2022)

24. Yuanyuan Miao, Daiwei Yu, Dan Li, Huiqing Zhang, Junfeng Ren*, and Guichao Hu, Acceleration of polaron induced by site effective mass increment in organic ferromagnets, New J. Phys. 24 (2022) 083044

25. Yuanyuan Miao, Hongjun Kan, Dan Li, Chuankui Wang, Junfeng Ren*, Guichao Hu*, Spin precession of polarons in organic ferromagnets, Physics Letters A 433 (2022) 128024

26.  Xiuwen Zhao#, Fujun Liu#, Junfeng Ren*, and Fanyao Qu*, Valleytronic and magneto-optical properties of Janus and conventional TiBrI/CrI3 and TiX2/CrI3 (X = Br, I) heterostructures, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 085119 (2021)

27. J. T. Guo, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren*, X. B. Yuan*, Observation and manipulation of valley polarization in two-dimensional H-Tl2O/CrI3 heterostructure, Applied Surface Science 558 (2021) 149604

28. Jiali Wang, Xiuwen Zhao, Guichao Hu, Junfeng Ren*, and Xiaobo Yuan*, Manipulable Electronic and Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional MoSTe/MoGe2N4 van der Waals Heterostructures, Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 3338

29. Y. H. Guo, J. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan*, J. F. Ren*, Strain-tunable electronic and optical properties of novel MoSSe/InSe van der Waals heterostructures, Physics Letters A 404 (2021) 127395

30. WEN WANG, XIUWEN ZHAO, JUNFENG REN*, Electronic structure and optical properties of B- or N-doped graphene adsorbed methanol molecule: first-principles calculations, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 23 (2021)72-78

31. Huihui Wei#, Jiatian Guo#, Xiaobo Yuan* and Junfeng Ren*, Spin Polarization Properties of Two Dimensional GaP3 Induced by 3d Transition-Metal Doping, Micromachines 2021, 12, 743

32. Yuanyuan Miao, Shuai Qiu, Guangping Zhang, Chuankui Wang, Junfeng Ren*, Guichao Hu*, Electric field induced magnetism decline in organic ferromagnets, Physica E 131 (2021) 114729

33. Z. Yang, J. Y. Song, J. T. Guo, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan*, and J. F. Ren*, Electronic structure and enhanced photocatalytic properties in Ca(OH)2/GeC van der Waals heterostructure, Eur. Phys. J. B (2021) 94:157

34. X. W. Zhao, Y. Li, R. D. Liang, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan*, J. F. Ren*, Enhanced valley polarization at valence/conduction band in transition-metal-doped WTe2 under strain force, Applied Surface Science 504 (2020) 144367

35. B. Qiu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, W. W. Yue, X. B. Yuan, J. F. Ren, Tuning Optical Properties of Graphene/WSe2 Heterostructure by Introducing Vacancy: First Principles Calculations, Physica E 116 (2020) 113729

36. X. W. Zhao, Z. Yang, J. T. Guo, G. C. Hu, W. W. Yue, X. B. Yuan, and J. F. Ren, tuning electronic and optical properties of monolayer PdSe2 by introducing defects: first-principles calculations, Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 4028

37. B. Qiu, X. W. Zhao, Y. Li, R. D. Liang, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan, J. F. Ren, Effects of lanthanides doping on the optical properties of graphene/WSe2 heterostructure based on ab-initio calculations, Physics Letters A 384 (2020) 126663

38. Yuan Li, Jijian Liu, Xiuwen Zhao, Xingzhao Yuan, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan*and Junfeng Ren*, Strain forces tuned the electronic and optical properties in GaTe/MoS2 van der Waals heterostructures, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 25136-25142

39. R. D. Liang, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, W. W. Yue, X. B. Yuan, J. F. Ren, Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of a Mn-Doped InSe/WSe2 van der Walls Heterostructure: First Principles Calculations, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 77 (2020) 587-591

40. X. W. Zhao, B. Qiu, G. C. Hu, W. W. Yue, J. F. Ren*, X. B. Yuan*, Transition-metal doping/adsorption induced valley polarization in Janus WSSe: First-principles calculations, Applied Surface Science 490 (2019) 172–177

41. Xiuwen Zhao, Bin Qiu, Weiwei Yue, Guichao Hu, Junfeng Ren, and Xiaobo Yuan, Spontaneous spin polarization of methanol molecule adsorbed on B- or N-doped graphene: first-principles calculations, Eur. Phys. J. B (2019) 92: 44

42. Yuan Li, Bin Qiu, Xiuwen Zhao, Guichao Hu, Weiwei Yue, Xiaobo Yuan, and Junfeng Ren*, Spin polarization properties of two-dimensional MoSeTe induced by transition-metal doping: first-principles calculations, Eur. Phys. J. B (2019) 92: 266

43.  X. B. Yuan, L. L. Cai, Y. L. Tian, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren,Electric field induced spin polarization oscillation in nonmagnetic benzene/Cu(100) interface: First principles calculations, Applied Surface Science 427 (2018) 156–161

44. X. B. Yuan#, Y. L. Tian#, X. W. Zhao, W. W. Yue, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren*, Spin polarization properties of benzene/graphene with transition metals as dopants: First principles calculations, Applied Surface Science 439 (2018) 1158–1162

45. B. Qiu, X. W. Zhao, G. C. Hu, W. W. Yue, J. F. Ren, and X. B. Yuan, Optical Properties of Graphene/MoS2 Heterostructure: First Principles Calculations, Nanomaterials 8 (2018) 962

46. X. W. Zhao, B.Qiu, G. C. Hu, W. W. Yue, J. F. Ren, and X. B. Yuan, Spin Polarization Properties of Pentagonal PdSe2 Induced by 3D Transition-Metal Doping: First-Principles Calculations, Materials 11(2018) 2339

47. X. W. Zhao, Y. L. Tian, W. W. Yue, M. N. Chen, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren, and X. B. Yuan, Adsorption of methanol molecule on graphene: Experimental results and first-principles calculations, International Journal of Modern Physics B 32 (2018) 1850102

48.  Y. L. Tian, J. F. Ren*, W. W. Yue, M. N. Chen, G. C. Hu, X. B. Yuan*, Adsorption of chloroform on N-doped and Al-doped graphene: A first-principle study, Chemical Physics Letters 685 (2017) 344–348

49. X. B. Yuan, M. S. Yang, Y. L. Tian, L. L. Cai, J. F. Ren*, Spin polarization properties of thiophene molecule adsorbed to the edge of zigzag graphene nanoribbon, Synthetic Metals 226 (2017) 46–49

50. Weiwei Yue, Hongling Hua, Yanli Tian, Jianing Li, Shouzhen Jiang, Caiyan Tang, Shicai Xu, Yong Ma, Junfeng Ren* and Chengjie Bai*, An unmodified graphene foam chemical sensor based on SVM for discrimination of chemical molecules with broad selectivity, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 43560–43566

51. Y. L. Tian, H. L. Hua, W. W. Yue, M. N. Chen, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren*, and X. B. Yuan*, Adsorption properties of chloroform molecule on graphene: Experimental and first-principles calculations, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 31, No. 35 (2017) 1750335

52. L. L. Cai, Y. L. Tian, X. B. Yuan*, G. C. Hu and J. F. Ren*, Spin polarization properties at the spinterface of thiophene/Fe(100): First principles calculations, International Journal of Modern Physics B Vol. 31, No. 11 (2017) 1750072

53. Linlin Cai, Yanli Tian, Xiaobo Yuan, Guichao Hu, Junfeng Ren*, Electronic structures of spinterface for thiophene molecule adsorbedat Co, Fe, and Ni electrode: First principles calculations, Applied Surface Science 389 (2016) 916–920

54. L. Zhang, L. L. Cai, X. B. Yuan, G. C. Hu, J. F. Ren*, Effects of acceptor–donor complexes on electronic structure properties in co-doped TiO2: A first-principles study, Physica E 81, 156–162 (2016)

55. ZHANG Lin, CAI LinLin, REN JunFeng*, YUAN XiaoBo & HU GuiChao, Electronic structure of (Cu+N) co-doped anatase TiO2 at the surfaces of (001) and (101): A first-principle study, Sci Sin-Phys Mech Astron, 46, 037002 (2016) (in Chinese)

56. Linlin Cai, Yanli Tian, Xiaobo Yuan, Guichao Hu, Junfeng Ren*, Spin polarization properties of benzene molecule adsorbed at Fe(100) surface: first principles calculations, Commun. Comput. Chem., 3(2016), pp. 120-130

57. J. F. Ren, Y. R. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. B. Yuan, G. C. Hu, Spontaneous spin polarization in rubrene studied by density functional theory calculations, Physica E 66, 299–302 (2015)

58. J. F. Ren, R. R. Song, X. B. Yuan, G. C. Hu, Spin polarized current injection and transportation in a double T-shaped organic spintronic device, Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 58, 037003 (2015)

59. Zhang Yan-Ru, Zhang Lin, Ren Jun-Feng*, Yuan Xiao-Bo, Hu Gui-Chao, Magnetic coupling properties of Gd-doped ZnO nanowires studied by first-principles calculations, Acta Phys. Sin. 64, 178103 (2015) (in Chinese)

60.  J. F. Ren, Y. R. Zhang, X. B. Yuan, G. C. Hu, Density Functional Theory Calculations of Charge-Induced Spin Polarization in Pentacene, Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 27, 617-620 (2014)

61. J. F. Ren, Y. R. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. B. Yuan, G. C. Hu, Structural and electronic properties of SiC/AlN core/shell nanowires: a first-principles study, Modern Phys. Lett. B 28, 1450195 (2014)

62. J. F. Ren, X. B. Yuan, and G. C. Hu, Spin polarization properties of Na doped meridianal tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum studied by first principles calculations, Chin. Phys. Lett. 31, 048502 (2014)

63. X. N. Lin, G. P. Zhang, J. F. Ren*, X. B. Yuan, and G. C. Hu, Electronic transport properties of oligophenyleneethynylene molecular junctions in alkaline and acid solutions, Acta Phys. Sin. 63, 068502 (2014) (in Chinese)

64. J. F. Ren, N. Vukmirovi´c, and L. -W. Wang, Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulation for carrier transport in a pentathiophene butyric acid monolayer, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 205117 (2013)

65. X. B. Yuan, and J. F. Ren*, Charge-induced spin polarization in αsexithienyl studied by first-principles calculations, J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 16238-16241 (2013) 

66. R. R. Song, J. F. Ren*, Z. T. Dou, X. B. Yuan, and G. C. Hu, Enhancement of spin injection efficiency in a T-shaped organic device, SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, 43(2), 129–134(2013) (in Chinese) 

67. Y. M. Wang, J. F. Ren*, X. B. Yuan, Z. T. Dou, and G. C. Hu, Effects of electric and magnetic field on current spin polarization and magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic/organic semiconductor/ferromagnetic (FM/OSC/FM) system, Chin. Phys. B, 21(10), 108508 (2012).

68. Z. T. Dou, J. F. Ren*, Y. M. Wang, X. B. Yuan, and G. C. Hu, Enlargement of current spin polarization in organic spintronic device, Acta Phys. Sin. 61(8), 088503 (2012) (in Chinese) 

69. X. B. Yuan, J. F. Ren*, and G. C. Hu, Effect of Carrier Differences on Magnetoresistance in Organic and Inorganic Spin Valves Chin. Phys. Lett. 29(6), 067501 (2012)

70. Y. M. Wang, J. F. Ren*, X. B. Yuan, Z. T. Dou and G. C. Hu, Effects ofelectric field and magnetic induction on spin injection into organic semiconductors, Physica B. 406, 926–929 (2011)

71. M. X. Xiu, J. F. Ren*, C. K. Wang, X. B. Yuan, and G. C. Hu, Amplification of current spin polarization in ferromagnetic/organic system with spin-related interfacial resistances, International Journal of Modern Physics B 25(32) 4339–4345 (2011)

72.  J. F. Ren, Y. M. Wang, X. B. Yuan, and G. C. Hu, Magnetoresistance effect in an organic spin valve, Acta Phys. Sin. 59(9), 6576-6580 (2010) (in Chinese).

73. M. X. Xiu, J. F. Ren*, and Y. M. Wang, Spin polarized injection into organic semiconductors with variational polaron proportion, J. Atom. Mol. Phys. 27(2), 353-358 (2010)

74. M. X. Xiu, J. F. Ren*, Y. M. Wang, X. B. Yuan, and G. C. Hu, Effect of Schottky barrier on spin injection into organic semiconductors, Acta Phys. Sin. 59(12), 8856-8861 (2010) (in Chinese).

75. Y. M. Wang, J. F. Ren*, X. B. Yuan, M. X. Xiu, and G. C. Hu, Spin diffusion and drift in ferromagnetic/organic system, SCIENTIA SINICA Phys, Mech & Astron 40(4), 410-415 (2010) (in Chinese).

76. J. F. Ren, Y. B. Zhang, and S. J. Xie, Charge current polarization and magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic/organic semiconductor/ferromagnetic devices, Org. Electron. 9, 1017-1021 (2008).

77. J. F. Ren and M. X. Xiu, Effect of carrier differences on spin polarized injection into organic and inorganic semiconductors, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25(7), 2618 -2621 (2008).

78. J. F. Ren, Y. B. Zhang, and S. J. Xie, Current spin polarization in ferromagnetic/organic semiconductor/ferromagnetic system, Acta Phys. Sin. 56 (08), 4785-4790 (2007). (in Chinese)

79.  J. F. Ren, J. Y. Fu, and S. J. Xie, Organic spintronics, Physics 35 (10), 852-859 (2006). (invited, in Chinese)

80. J. F. Ren, J. Y. Fu, D. S. Liu, L. M. Mei, and S. J. Xie, Spin-polarized current in a ferromagnetic/organic system, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 074503, 1-5 (2005).

81. J. F. Ren, J. Y. Fu, D. S. Liu, L. M. Mei, and S. J. Xie, Diffusion theory of spin injection into organic polymers, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, 2341-2347 (2005).

82. J. F. Ren, J. Y. Fu, D. S. Liu, L. M. Mei, and S. J. Xie, Spin polarized injection and transport in organic polymers, Synth. Met. 155, 611-614 (2005).


[Book] J. F. Ren, G. C. Hu, Y. B. Zhang, J. Lei, H. Jiang, and S. J. Xie, In: Advances in Condensed Matter and Materials Research, ISBN 978-1-60741-959-4, Chapter 2, Editors: Hans Geelvinck and Sjaak Reynst, pp. 29-55, 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Progress in Organic Spintronics.

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1. 山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖自然科学二等奖,铁磁/有机系统的自旋态研究解士杰刘德胜付吉永任俊峰(2005.01

2. 山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖自然科学一等奖,自旋相关功能材料的理论与实验研究任俊峰原晓波(2007.09

3. 山东省自然科学奖一等奖,光电功能材料的制备、表征及其激光与之相互作用研究满宝元王传奎任俊峰董庆瑞原晓波(2008.04

4. 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖,有机器件中的自旋注入、输运及功能性研究胡贵超任俊峰,(2009.12

5. 山东师范大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,铁磁/有机半导体/铁磁结构中自旋注入输运性质的理论研究,2011-S-0132011.06

6. 山东省第四届大学生物理科技创新大赛优秀指导教师,电子罗盘与上位机通信系统(2012.09

7. 山东师范大学研究生教育教学成果奖二等奖,物理学中的群论基础(教材),张秋菊、张延惠、孟庆田、任俊峰、李宗良、焦扬2013.12

8. 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖第三位,有机微纳体系结构设计及电磁光特性研究2015BZ101542015.09

9. 山东师范大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,锐钛矿相TiO2共掺杂改性的第一性原理研究,2016-S-011 (2016.06)

10. 山东师范大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,有机分子在金属表面自发自旋极化性质的第一性原理研究,2017-S-015 (2017.06)

11. 山东师范大学2015-2016年度优秀教学奖 (2017.09

12. 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖,基于多传感集成的石墨烯生物传感器理论及应用研究, 岳伟伟任俊峰马勇,2017BK301392017.12

13. 山东省第十届大学生科技节物理科技创新大赛一等奖指导教师,跷跷板式发电减速带 (2018.10)

14. 山东省高等学校科学技术奖二等奖第二位,有机非磁材料及器件电子结构和自旋极化性质研究原晓波任俊峰胡贵超,(2019.12

15. 山东师范大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,二维过渡金属硫族化合物/石墨烯异质结电子结构及光学性质研究,2020-X-0912020.06.10

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22. 山东师范大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,几种二维材料中能谷极化性质的第一性原理研究,2022-XS-0442022.06.12

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26. 第四届山东省大学生光电竞赛一等奖指导教师,SDUC202243-1-0137,山东省科学技术协会,山东省教育厅(2023.03

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