赵秀雯,女,山东聊城人。2021年毕业于山东师范大学,获得理学博士学位,同年留校工作。主要从事低维纳米材料与器件性质的研究,涉及二维材料的光、电、自旋极化以及能谷极化性质等。主持国家自然科基金青年项目1项,山东省自然科学基金青年项目1项,在Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letter, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters等国际期刊上发表多篇论文。
1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,12404080,二维磁性能谷材料的自发谷极化及其产生机理研究,2025年1月至2027 年12月,在研,主持
12. Haomiao Cheng, Hongxin Chen, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan, Junfeng Ren,* and Xiuwen Zhao*,Electrical Control of the Valley-Layer Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Bilayer Lattices,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.15, (2024) 8759-8765
11. Congling Li, Hongxin Chen, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan, Junfeng Ren*, and Xiuwen Zhao*, Strain and stacking induced topological phase transition in bipolar ferromagnetic semiconductor OsClBr, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, (2023) 243101
10. Congling Li, Naibin Wang, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan, Junfeng Ren* and Xiuwen Zhao* Structure-controlled valley splitting and anomalous valley Hall effect in Janus VSe2/VSeX (X = S, Te) heterojunctions, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56 (2023) 135301
9.XiaoboYuan, Yunhui Guo, Jiali Wang, Guichao Hu, Junfeng Ren* and Xiuwen Zhao*, Type-II Band Alignment and Tunable Optical Absorption in MoSSe/InS van der Waals Heterostructure, Frontiers in Chemistry 10:861838 (2023)
8. Zhe Yang, Jiali Wang, Guichao. Hu, Xiaobo Yuan,Junfeng Ren*, Xiuwen Zhao*, Strain-tunable Zeeman splitting and optical properties of CrBr3/GeC van der Waals heterostructure, Results in Physics 37 (2022) 105559
7. Xiuwen Zhao*, Fujun Liu*, Junfeng Ren† and Fanyao Qu† ,Valleytronic and magneto-optical properties of Janus and conventional TiBrI/CrI3 and TiX2/CrI3 (X = Br,I) heterostructures, Physical Review B (2021),104, 085119
6. Xiuwen Zhao, Yuan Li, Rundong Liang, Guichao Hu, Xiaobo Yuan, Junfeng Ren, Enhanced valley polarization at valence/conduction band in transition-metal-doped WTe2 under strain force, Applied Surface Science, (2020), 504
5. Xiuwen Zhao, Bin Qiu, Guichao Hu, Weiwei Yue, Junfeng Ren, Xiaobo Yuan, Transition metal doping/adsorption induced valley polarization in Janus WSSe: First-principles calculations, Applied Surface Science, (2019), 490
4. Xiuwen Zhao, Zhe Yang, Jiatian Guo, Guichao Hu, Weiwei Yue, Xiaobo Yuan,Junfeng Ren Tuning electronic and optical properties of monolayer PdSe2 by introducing defects: first-principles calculations, Scientific Reports,(2020), 10
3. Xiuwen Zhao, Bin Qiu, Guichao Hu, Weiwei Yue, Junfeng Ren, Xiaobo Yuan, Spin polarization properties of pentagonal PdSe2 induced by 3D transition-metal doping: first-principles calculations,Materials,(2018), 11
2. Xiuwen Zhao, Bin Qiu, Weiwei Yue, Guichao Hu, Junfeng Ren, Xiaobo Yuan Spontaneous spin polarization of methanol molecule adsorbed on B- or N-doped graphene: first-principles calculations,The European Physical Journal B,(2019),92
1. Xiuwen Zhao, Yianli Tian, Weiwei Yue, Meina Chen, Guichao Hu, Junfeng Ren, Xiaobo Yuan, Adsorption of methanol molecule on graphene: Experimental results and first principles calculations, International Journal of Modern Physics B, (2018),32