米帅帅 讲师

院部/部门: 物理与电子科学星空在线登录,星空(中国)

电子邮箱: 621001@sdnu.edu.cn     办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区

米帅帅,男,山东滨州人。2021年毕业于山东师范大学,获得教育学博士学位,同年留校工作。主要从事科学创造力、概念理解、职前教师教育的研究,涉及科学创造力发展的概念理解机制、职前教师科学本质观等。在Physical Review Physics Educational Research,Science & Education等国际期刊上发表多篇论文。






[1] Mi Shuaishuai, Ye Jianqiang, Li Yan, Bi hualin. Development and validation of a conceptual survey instrument to evaluate senior high school students’ understanding of electrostatics[J]. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 2023, 19(1): 010114.

[2] Wang Manman, Gao Shoubao, Gui Weiling, Mi shuaishuai. Investigation of Pre-service Teachers’ Conceptions of the Nature of Science Based on the LDA Model[J]. Science & Education, 2022: 1-27.

[3] Ye Jianqiang, Mi Shuaishuai, Bi Hualin. Constructing Core Teaching Competency Indicators for Secondary School Science Teachers in China[J]. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2021, 20(3): 389-406.

[4] Bi Hualin, Mi Shuaishuai, Lu Shanshan, Hu Xinyang. Meta-analysis of interventions and their effectiveness in students’ scientific creativity[J]. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2020, 38: 100750.

[5] Mi Shuaishuai, Bi Hualin, Lu Shanshan. Trends and foundations of creativity research in education: A method based on text mining[J]. Creativity Research Journal, 2020, 32(3): 215-227.

[6] Mi Shuaishuai, Lu Shanshan, Bi Hualin. Trends and Foundations in Research on Students' Conceptual Understanding in Science Education: A Method Based on the Structural Topic Model[J]. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2020, 19(4): 551-568.

