马普娟,女,1992年01月生,江苏扬州人,讲师。2010年进入苏州大学物理科学与技术星空在线登录,星空(中国)就读,2014年06月获得理学学士学位;同年获得研究生推免资格,进入苏州大学光电科学与工程星空在线登录,星空(中国)硕博连读,2019年06月获工学博士学位。2017年10月-2018年10月,于以色列特拉维夫大学交流学习。曾获全国大学生物理教学技能大赛一等奖。主要从事非线性光学、纳米天线、表面等离激元研究。目前以第一作者在Light: Science & Applications, Laser & photonics Review等SCI高水平国际期刊上发表论文数篇,主持国家青年基金、中国博士后特别资助和中国博士后面上基金各一项。
1. 国家自然科学青年科学基金项目,2021.01-2023.12,24万元。
2. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站中),2021.08-2023.07, 18万。
3. 中国博士后博士后面上项目, 2021.01-2022-12.8,万元。
1. P. J. Ma, L. Gao*, P. Ginzburg, and R. E. Noskov*, Nonlinear Nanophotonic Circuitry: Tristable and Astable Multivibrators and Chaos Generator, Laser&photonics Review 14(3), 1900314 (2020).
2. P. J. Ma, L. Gao*, P. Ginzburg, and R. E. Noskov*, Ultrafast cryptography with indefinitely switchable optical nanoantennas, Light Sci. Appl. 7, 77 (2018).
3. P. J. Ma and L. Gao*, Large and tunable lateral shifts in one-dimensional PT-symmetric layered structures, Opt. Express,25, 9676-9688 (2017).
4. W. J. Yu#, P. J. Ma, H. Sun*, L. Gao*, and R. E. Noskov, Optical tristability and ultrafast Fano switching in nonlinear magnetoplasmonic nanoparticles, Phys. Rev. B 97, 075436 (2018).
5. P. J. Ma, D. L. Gao*, Y. X. Ni, and L. Gao*, Enhancement of Optical Nonlinearity by Core-Shell Bimetallic Nanostructures, Plasmonics 11, 183-187 (2016).
6. X. Liu, D. Xia, Y. E. Monfared, C. Liang*, F. Wang, Y. Cai*, and P. J. Ma*, Generation of novel partially coherent truncated Airy beams via Fourier phase processing, Optics Express 2020, 28(7): 9777-9785.
7. X. Liu, Z. Li, Y. E Monfared, C. Liang*, F. Wang, B. J Hoenders, Y. Cai*, P. J. Ma*, Flexible autofocusing properties of ring Pearcey beams by means of a cross phase, Optics Letters, 2021, 46(1):70-73.
8. X. Liu, Y. E. Monfared, R. Pan, P. J. Ma*, Y. Cai*, and C. Liang*, Experimental realization of scalar and vector perfect Laguerre-Gaussian beam, Applied Physics Letters 2021, 119(2): 021105.
9. R. Pan, X Liu, J. Tang, H. Ye, Z. Liu, P. J. Ma*, W. Wen*, B. J. Hoenders, Y. Cai*, and C. Liang*, Enhancing the self-reconstruction ability of the degree of coherence of a light beam via manipulating the cross-phase structure, Applied Physics Letters 2021, 119(11): 111105.
10. C. Liang, X. Liu, Z. Xu, F. Wang*, W. Wen*, S. A Ponomarenko, Y. Cai*, and P. J. Ma*, Perfect optical coherence lattices, Applied Physics Letters 2021, 119(13): 131109.
11. X. Wang, J. Tang, Y. Wang, X. Liu, C. Liang*, L. Zhao*, B. J. Hoenders, Y. Cai, and P. J. Ma*, Complex and phase screen methods for studying arbitrary genuine Schell-model partially coherent pulses in nonlinear media, Opt. Express 30(14), 24222-24231(2022).
12. P. J. Ma, X. Liu, Q. Zhang, Q. Chen, J. Zeng, Y. Cai*, Q. Zhan*, and C. Liang*, Universal orbital angular momentum detection scheme for any vortex beam, Opt. Lett. 47(22), 6037-6040(2022).
13. 马普娟,高雷,罗曼,非线性纳米天线散射方向性的操控方法、装置及设备,2017.02.11,201810141339.2(发明专利)。