主要从事超短超强激光脉冲的成丝非线性光学及其应用基础研究,近年主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目4项、战略支援部队预研项目1项,以及教育部博士点基金、吉林省科技厅以及济南市“高校20条”引进创新团队等若干科研项目,取得了一系列的创新性成果,迄今为止,与合作者已经在Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Photonics Research, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express等著名学术期刊上发表论文百余篇,在国内国际学术会议上做口头和邀请报告十余次,获国家发明专利4项,培养硕士博士研究生三十余名。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021–2024,62万元,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018–2021,62万元,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015–2018,90万元,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2013–2016,61万元,主持
5. 战略支援部队预研项目,2016–2019,150万元,主持
6. 济南市“高校20条”引进创新团队项目,2021–2023,100万元,主持
7. 教育部博士点基金,2013–2015,4万元,主持
8. 吉林省科技厅中青年科技创新领军人才及团队项目,2017–2018,20万元,主持
9. 吉林省科技厅青年基金,2013–2015.12,3万元,主持
10. 吉林省人社厅留学人员科技创新创业项目择优资助,2013–2014,6万元,主持
11. 长春理工大学科技创新基金,2016–2018,8万元,主持
迄今为止,与合作者已经在Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Photonics Research, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express等著名学术期刊上发表论文百余篇,近三年论文:
1. D. Li, W. Liang, D. Li, L. Ji, B. Yan, J. Chang, T. Xi*, L. Zhang, Y. Cai, and Z. Hao*, Distinguishing the nonlinear propagation regimes of vortex femtosecond pulses in fused silica by evaluating the broadened spectrum, Optics Express, 31(20), (2023).
2. W. Liang, D. Li*, J. Chang, T. Xi*, L. Ji, D. Li, L. Zhang, and Z. Hao*, “Experimentally determined critical power for self-focusing of femtosecond vortex beams in air by a fluorescence measurement,” Optics Express 31(2), 1557-1566 (2023).
3. B. Yan, D. Li, L. Zhang, T. Xi*, and Z. Hao*, Filamentation of femtosecond vortex laser pulses in turbulent air, Optics and Laser Technology 164, 109515 (2023).
4. D. Li, W. Wang, S. Gao, Y. Gao, Y. Cai*, Z. Hao*, and Z. Wen*, Controlling self-healing of optical field based on moiré dual-microlens arrays, New Journal of Physics 25, 083023 (2023).
5. D. Li, J. Chang, T. Xi, D. Li*, L. Ji, W. Liang, Z. Hao*, L. Zhang*, Filament-necklace generated by femtosecond vector beams in fused silica, Optics Communications 533, 129283 (2023).
6. L. Xu, D. Li, J. Chang, T. Xi*, and Z. Hao*, Few-cycle vortex beam generated from self-compression of midinfrared femtosecond vortices in thin plates, Physical Review A 106(5), 053516 (2022).
7. L. Ji, W. Liang, D. Li, J. Chang*, D. Li, L. Zhang, T. Xi*, and Z. Hao*, Influence of a pinhole diameter on the experimental determination of critical power for femtosecond filamentation in air, Optics Express 30(25), 44886-44895 (2022).
8. D. Li, J. Chang, D. Li, L. Ji, W. Liang, L. Xu, L. Zhang, T. Xi*, and Z. Hao*, Intense vector supercontinuum radiation from femtosecond filamentation, Optics Express 30(10), 17567-17576 (2022).
9. J. Chang, D. Li, L. Xu, L. Zhang, T. Xi*, and Z. Hao*, Elongation of filamentation and enhancement of supercontinuum generation by a preformed air density hole, Optics Express 30(10), 16987-16995 (2022).
10. L. Xu, D. Li, J. Chang, D. Li, T. Xi*, and Z. Hao*, Powerful supercontinuum vortices generated by femtosecond vortex beams with thin plates, Photonics Research 10(3), 802-809 (2022).
11. D. Li, J. Chang, L. Xu, L. Zhang, T. Xi*, and Z. Hao*, Free control of filaments rotating induced by vortex femtosecond laser beams interference in fused silica, Optics and Laser Technology 150, 107974 (2022).
12. S. Zafar, D. W. Li*, A. Camino, J. W. Chang, and Z. Q. Hao*, High power supercontinuum generation by dual-color femtosecond laser pulses in fused silica, Chin. Phys. B 31, 084209 (2022).
13. L. T. Xu, D. W. Li, J. W. Chang, T. T. Xi*, and Z. Q. Hao*, Helical filaments array generated by femtosecond vortex beams with lens array in air, Results Phys. 26, 104334 (2021).
14. J. W. Chang, D. W. Li, T. T. Xi, L. Z. Zhang, and Z. Q. Hao*, Spectral hump formation in visible region of supercontinuum from shaped femtosecond laser filamentation in fused silica, Photonics 8, 339 (2021).
15. L. D. Zhan, Z. P. Zhong, L.T. Xu, T. T. Xi*, and Z. Q. Hao*, Co-propagation of femtosecond vortex beam and the generated third harmonic in air, J. Univ. CAS. 38, 450 (2021).
1. 一种光谱峰可调的超连续辐射光谱的生成装置及方法,专利号:ZL202010993649.3
2. 飞秒激光在透明光学介质中的阵列成丝装置和方法,专利号:ZL201510789648.6
3. 一种利用激光超连续辐射的测量反射率的装置和方法,专利号:ZL201510827722.9
4. 一种产生飞秒激光等离子体通道阵列的装置及方法,专利号:201710955854.9
1. 2018年度山东省泰山学者青年专家
2. 2012年度吉林省第一批高层次创新创业人才引进计划
3. 2012年吉林省第三批拔尖创新人才第三层次人选荣誉称号
4. 2007年中国科星空在线登录,星空(中国)杰出科技成就奖(集体)