蔡阳健, 男,1977年12月出生,博士,山东师范大学党委常委、副校长,二级教授,博士生导师。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、美国光学学会会士、全国百篇优秀博士学位论文获得者、德国洪堡基金获得者。 2000年毕业于浙江大学物理系,获物理学专业学士学位;2005年毕业于浙江大学物理系,获物理学专业博士学位;2006年毕业于瑞典皇家理工星空在线登录,星空(中国),获电磁场理论专业博士学位。2003.9-2004.8,香港浸会大学物理系交流博士生。2006.12-2009.1在德国爱尔兰根马普光学研究所(原爱尔兰根马普光学研究组)从事博士后研究,并获德国洪堡基金。2009.2-2022.8, 任苏州大学特聘教授、博士生导师。2013.3-2015.2担任国家自然科学基金委物理一处流动项目主任。2016年入选江苏特聘教授。2018年被聘为星空在线登录,星空(中国)院长,创立了山东师范大学光场调控及应用中心(http://www.gctk.sdnu.edu.cn/), 担任山东省光学工程学会副理事长、山东省物理学会副理事长、山东省光场调控工程技术中心主任、山东省光学与光子器件技术重点实验室主任、山东省高等学校服务黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展光场调控及应用协同创新中心主任。长期从事光场调控及应用、光束传输与控制、光学成像、大气光学、微纳操控等研究,在国内外权威期刊发表二区及以上SCI收录论文300多篇, 发表邀请综述论文21篇,英文专著章节2章,所发表论文被引19000多次,获中国发明专利授权65项、美国发明专利3项。获教育部高等学校科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖、浙江省高校优秀科研成果奖一等奖、浙江省自然科学优秀论文一等奖、江苏青年光学科技奖、山东省第九届省级教学成果奖二等奖、山东省光学工程学会首届教学成果奖特等奖。主持国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金重大项目课题、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目、国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金面上/青年、全国百篇优秀博士学位论文专项基金等项目。入选“2010 年江苏省十大青年科技之星”,连续多年入选Elsevier发布的“中国高被引用学者榜单”以及美国斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,2021年获“第十届山东省优秀科技工作者”称号。所指导的博士生获国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目10项。受邀担任Integrated Optics and Lightwave: An International Journal (OPTLJ) 主编、Frontiers in Physics 副主编、《光学学报》副主编、PhotoniX资深编辑、Photonics专题编辑、Progress in Optics 编委、Advanced Photonics Nexus 编委、《中国激光》编委、《红外与激光工程》编委、《激光技术》编委、《现代物理》编委、全国光学青年学术论坛第二届和第三届主席团副主席、中国激光杂志社第三届青年编辑委员会指导委员会会员等。曾担任Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications 副主编(2019-2022)、Journal of Optical Society of America A专题编辑(2018-2024)、、Science Bulletin 客座主编(2016-2017)、Optics & Laser Technology 副主编 (2012-2014)、《中国激光》编委(2019-2021)、中国激光杂志社第一届和第二届青年编辑委员会副主任。作为会议主席/共主席举办/承办了国际光学与光子学青年科学家论坛(2018)、第十一届全国光学青年学术论坛(2019)、第四届光学青年科学家论坛(2020)、第五届原子分子物理与光物理学术研讨会(2020)、泰山学术论坛-光场调控与信息技术(2021)、第一届物理科学一处优秀青年学者学术交流会(2022)、第12届光激发与应用国际会议(2023)、第二届全国光与物质相互作用及其应用大会(2024)、2024年中德物理会议暨留德中国物理学者学会第三十三届年会。作为专题主席组织了国内外会议光场调控相关分会二十余次。作为《光学学报》客座编辑组织出版了“光场调控、传输及其应用”专题(2016)、“光场调控、传输及其应用”专题II(2019)、“光场调控、传输及其应用”专题III(2024),作为《光子学报》客座编辑组织出版了“光场调控及应用”专题(2022)。近年来作为会评专家参与了国家自然科学基金委、科技部重点研发计划、国家外专局111引智基地、教育部“卓青”计划、山东省自然科学基金等项目评审会。
1. 山东省重点研发计划项目,2024.9-2027.8,350万
2. 国家自然科学基金合作创新研究团队,Spatial-temporal coherence manipulation of light at multiple spatial scales and their applications, 2025.1-2027.12, 子课题负责人,负责经费120万
3. 山东师范大学科研创新攀登团队(A类),光场时空调控及应用团队,2024.7-2029.6,300万
4. 国家重点研发计划项目课题,非相干拓扑结构光场调控及应用, 616万, 2022.12-2027.11
5. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目,k波矢的极限调控及其传感与成像应用,2023-2025,子课题负责人,负责经费80万
6. 国家自然科学基金专项项目科技活动项目,第一届物理I学科优秀青年学者学术交流会,8万,2022
7. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题,基于铌酸锂薄膜的光场相干性快速调控及应用, 330万,2022.1-2026.12,
8. 济南市市校融合发展战略工程项目,物理学省高水平学科建设及量子科技人才培养,100万,2022.1-2022.12,
9. 国家留学基金管理委员会2021年促进与加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰及拉美地区科研合作与高层次人才培养项目,光场相干调控及应用,10万,2021.1-2022.12
10. 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目,特殊关联部分相干光束的产生及其在大气激光通信中的应用,50万,2020.10-2022.12
11. 山东师范大学科研创新团队(A类),光场调控及应用,80万,2020-2023
12. 山东师范大学理工类重大科技成果培育(A类),光场相干调控及应用, 20万,2020-2023
13. 国家重点研发计划项目,铌酸锂薄膜重要片上光子器件研究,2019.12-2024.11,子课题负责人,负责经费120万
14. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 部分相干光束轨道角动量调控、测量及应用基础研究, 62万,2020.01-2023.12
15. 国家自然科学基金专项项目科技活动项目,第11届先进信息通信技术国际会议, 10万,2019.10
16. 2019年度山东省科技创新基地专项, 省光学与光子器件技术重点实验室, 300万,2020.1-2022.12
17. 济南市扶持政策支持项目,山东省光场调控工程技术中心,100万,2020.1-2022.12
18. 济南市科技局创新团队项目,光场调控及应用研究,170万,2019.01-2021.12
19. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目,矢量光束相干结构调控及其与湍流大气相互作用研究,370万,2018.01-2021.12
20. 江苏特聘教授重点类资助项目,200万(省拨),2016.7-2019.7
21. 国家杰出青年科学基金,光束调控及应用,350万, 2016.01-2020.12
22. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 部分相干电磁光束的位相调控及其经过介质传输与成像的理论与实验研究, 90万,2013.01-2016.12
23. 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文专项基金,部分相干复杂激光束在湍流大气中的传输特性研究,60万,2009.01-2012.12
24. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 部分相干电磁光束传输和符合成像的理论与实验研究, 20万,2010.01-2012.12
25. 江苏省自然科学基金,部分相干平顶光束在湍流大气中的传输及应用研究,8万,2009.10-2012.9
26. 教育部科学技术研究重点项目,部分相干激光束的整形及应用研究,10万,2010.1-2012.12
27. 霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金基础性研究课题,部分相干空心光束的理论和实验研究, 2万美元,2010.5-2013.5
28. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,部分相干光束扭曲位相特性的研究,3万,2012.1-2014.12
29. 江苏省省属高校聘请外国短期专家杰出青年教师培育聘专项目,3万,2012
30. 江苏省省属高校聘请外国短期专家重点项目,2.5万,2010
133. Zhongsheng Man, Yuquan Zhang, Yangjian Cai, Xiaocong Yuan, and H. P. Urbach, Construction of chirality-sorting optical force pairs, Physical Review Letters 133, 233803 (2024)
132. Hui Jiang, Esha Maqbool, Yangjian Cai, and Zhanghua Han, Efficient thermo-optic switching and modulating in nonlocal metasurfaces, Nano Letters 24, 14671-14677 (2024)
131. Ying Xu, Jidong Wu, Xinshun Zhao, Yongtao Zhang, Xinlei Zhu, Yangjian Cai, and Jiayi Yu, Switching of three-dimensional optical cages using spatial coherence engineering, Apl Photonics 9, 106119 (2024)
130. Xiaofei Li, Sajjad Bashiri, Vasilisa Ponomarenko, Yu Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Multi-function vortex array radar, Applied Physics Letters 125, 174103 (2024)
129. Yakun Wang, Kexin Gu, Zhen Dong, Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, Yangjian Cai, and Yonglei Liu, Generation of partially coherent full Poincare beam arrays and their Stokes scintillations in turbulent media, Applied Physics Letters 125, 171102 (2024)
128. Xin Liu, Qian Cao, Nianjia Zhang, Andy Chong, Yangjian Cai, and Qiwen Zhan, Spatiotemporal optical vortices with controllable radial and azimuthal quantum numbers Nature Communications 15, 5435 (2024)
127. Kaili Sun, Yangjian Cai, Lujun Huang, and Zhanghua Han, Ultra-narrowband and rainbow-free midinfrared thermal emitters enabled by a flat band design in distorted photonic lattices, Nature Communications 15, 4019 (2024)
126. Leixin Liu, Wenwei Liu, Fei Wang, Xiaofeng Peng, Duk-Yong Choi, Hua Cheng, Yangjian Cai, and Shuqi Chen, Ultra-robust informational metasurfaces based on spatial coherence structures engineering, Light-Science & Applications 13, 131 (2024)
125. Xingyuan Lu, Zhuoyi Wang , Qiwen Zhan, Yangjian Cai, and Chengliang Zhao, Coherence entropy during propagation through complex media, Advanced Photonics 6, 046002 (2024)
124. Guanyue Zhao, Xinyu Gao, Yufeng Zhou, Mengyuan Song, Yixuan Du, Zhuang Li, Jun Guan, Yangjian Cai, and Xianyu Ao, Unidirectional lasing from mirror-coupled dielectric lattices, Nano Letters 24, 3378-3385 (2024)
123. Xiaofei Li, Xin Liu, Quanying Wu, Jun Zeng, Yangjian Cai, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, and Chunhao Liang, Prime number factorization with light beams carrying orbital angular momentum, Apl Photonics 9, 046107 (2024)
122. Chengzhen Lu, Zhanghua Han, Yangjian Cai, Yuanmei Gao, and Zengrun Wen, Exploring edge states in square–octagonmoiré lattice, Apl Photonics 9, 056109 (2024)
121. Yuan Wan, Zhihao Li, Wenzhi Wang, Liming Gao, Zexu Liu, Lihailiang Xu, Hongzhen Wang, Song Gao, Xianlong Liu, and Yangjian Cai, Low-spatial-coherence random lasers enhanced by TiN/Graphene self-assembly structures for high-resolution imaging in chaotic fluid environments, Journal of Lightwave Technology 42, 5989-5995 (2024)
120. Yan Ye, Sen Qian, Hong Ye, Chang Lu, Fengchuan Xu, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Qinhua Wang, Linsen Chen, Yishen Xu, Flexible manipulated interference lithography incorporating modulated optical Fourier transform system, Advanced Optical Materials 12, 2302621 (2024)
119. Hui Jiang, Kaili Sun, Yuechen Jia, Yangjian Cai, Uriel Levy, Zhanghua Han, Tunable second Harmonic generation with large enhancement in a nonlocal all-dielectric metasurface over a broad spectral range, Advanced Optical Materials 12, 2303229 (2024)
118. Hao Zhang, Junan Zhu, Xingyuan Lu, Zhiquan Hu, Jianbo Gao, Kun Liu, Qiwen Zhan, Yangjian Cai, and Chengliang Zhao, Single-shot phase retrieval for randomly fluctuated and obstructed vortex beams, Science China-Physics Mechanics&Astronomy 67, 244211 (2024)
117. Xiaofei Li, Yu Wang, Xin Liu, Yuan Ma, Yangjian Cai, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, and Xianlong Liu, Deep learning and random light structuring ensure robust free-space communications, Applied Physics Letters 124, 214103 (2024)
116. Haokai Gong, Xiaomin Yang, Yangjian Cai, and Qian Zhao, Single-shot polarization detection with a highly scattering system, Applied Physics Letters 125, 121116 (2024)
115. Zhuoyi Wang, Xingyuan Lu, Jianbo Gao, Xuechun Zhao, Qiwen Zhan, Yangjian Cai, and Chengliang Zhao, Coherence phase spectrum analyzer for randomly fluctuated fractional vortex beam, Photonics Research 12, 33-39 (2024)
114. Bo Yuan, Zhen Dong, Yonglei Liu, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Yahong Chen, Robust high-order polarization arrays via vectorial spatial-coherence engineering, Physical Review Applied 20, 054031 (2023)
113. Yuan Wan, Zhihao Li, Zexu Liu, Yang Yang, Hongzhen Wang, Xianlong Liu, and Yangjian Cai, Robust speckle-free imaging using random lasers enhanced by TiN nanoparticles in complex scattering environments, Nanophotonics 12, 4307-4317 (2023)
112. Jiayi Yu, Xinlei Zhu, Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, and Yangjian Cai, Research progress on manipulating spatial coherence structure of light beam and its applications, Progress in Quantum Electronics 91-92, 100486 (2023) Invited Review
111. Yuanxin Tan, Haotian Lv, Jian Xu, Aodong Zhang, Yunpeng Song, Jianping Yu, Wei Chen, Yuexin Wan, Zhaoxiang Liu, Zhaohui Liu, Jia Qi, Yangjian Cai, and Ya Cheng, Three-dimensional isotropic microfabrication in glass using spatiotemporal focusing of high-repetition-rate femtosecond laser pulses, Opto-Electronic Advances 6, 230066 (2023)
110. Xin Liu, Chunhao Liang, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Axial correlation revivals and number factorization with structured random waves, Physical Review Applied 20, L021004 (2023)
109. Xingyuan Lu, Zhuoyi Wang, Chengliang Zhao, Qiwen Zhan, and Yangjian Cai, Four-dimensional experimental characterization of partially coherent light using incoherent modal decomposition, Nanophotonics 12, 3463-3470 (2023)
108. Liuhao Zhu, Yuping Tai, Hehe Li, Huajie Hu, Xinzhong Li, Yangjian Cai, and Yijie Shen, Multidimensional optical tweezers synthetized by rigid-body emulated structured light, Photonics Research 11, 1524-1534 (2023)
107. Xuechun Zhao, Zhuoyi Wang, Xingyuan Lu, Hao Zhang, Junan Zhu, Jianbo Gao, Qiwen Zhan, Yangjian Cai, and Chengliang Zhao, Ultrahigh precision angular velocity measurement using frequency shift of partially coherent beams, Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2300318 (2023)
106. Xinlei Zhu, Jiayi Yu, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Generation of stochastic structured light beams with controllable beam parameters, ACS Photonics 10, 2272-2279 (2023)
105. Zhao Zhang, Zhenzhen Liu, Xin Liu, Greg Gbur, Chunhao Liang, Yangjian Cai, Jun Zeng, Measuring the orbital angular momentum of a vortex beam under extremely low coherence, Applied Physics Letters 122, 011101 (2023)
104. Qi Huang, Xingyuan Lu, Hao Zhang, Zhuoyi Wang, Yuanjie Yang, Qiwen Zhan, Yangjian Cai, Chengliang Zhao, Economical generation of high-quality optical vortices with gradual-width Fermat spiral slit mask, Science China-Physics Mechanics&Astronomy 66, 244211 (2023)
103. Zhenshan Zhai, Zhuang Li, Yixuan Du, Xin Gan, Linye He, Xiaotian Zhang, Yufeng Zhou, Jun Guan, Yangjian Cai, and Xianyu Ao, Multimode Vortex Lasing from Dye–TiO2 Lattices via Bound States in the Continuum, ACS Photonics 10, 437-446 (2023)
102. Siwei Tang, Chunlei Shang, Chenzhen Lu, Xiaolei Sun, Yangjian Cai, Yuanmei Gao, and Zengrun Wen, Optical localization transition in a dual-periodical phase-modulated synthetic photonic lattice, Physical Review A 107, 023505 (2023)
101. Yangsheng Yuan, Didi Xu, Ruishan Cheng, Yaru Gao, Bernhard J. Hoenders, and Yangjian Cai, 0–360 degrees angular measurements using spatial displacement, Applied Physics Letters 122, 111106 (2023)
100. Yonglei Liu, Zhen Dong, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Yahong Chen, Experimental synthesis of higher-order Poincaré sphere beam array with spatial coherence engineering, Applied Physics Letters 122, 161106 (2023)
99. Chengcheng Yan, Xiangyun Li, Yangjian Cai, and Yahong Chen, Three-dimensional polarization state and spin structure of a tightly focused radially polarized Gaussian Schell-model beam, Physical Review A 106, 063522 (2022)
98. Jiayi Yu, Ying Xu, Shuqin Lin, Xinlei Zhu, Greg Gbur, and Yangjian Cai, Longitudinally optical trap and manipulate Rayleigh particles by spatial non-uniform coherence engineering, Physical Review A 106, 033511 (2022)
97. Zhuan Li, Xiaotian Zhang, Zhenshan Zhai, Yangjian Cai, and Xianyu Ao, Quasibound states in a one-dimensional grating for electro-optic modulation, Physical Review B 106, 125101 (2022)
96. Zengrun Wen, Weiming Wang, Song Gao, Kaile Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Yuanmei Gao, Soliton macromolecule dynamics in fiber lasers with sinusoidal filtered nonlinear optical loop mirror, Physical Review A 106, 023522 (2022)
95. Kaili Sun, Min Sun, Yangjian Cai, Uriel Levy, and Zhanghua Han, Strong coupling between quasi-bound states in the continuum and molecular vibrations in the mid-infrared, Nanophotonics 11, 4221-4229 (2022)
94. Zhen Dong, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Ari T. Friberg, and Tero Setala, Encoding higher-order polarization states into robust partially coherent optical beams, Physical Review Applied 18, 034036 (2022
93. Leixin Liu, Wenwei Liu, Fei Wang, Hua Cheng, Duk-Yong Choi, Jianguo Tian, Yangjian Cai, and Shuqi Chen, Spatial coherence manipulation on the disorder-engineered statistical photonic platform, Nano Letters 22, 6342-6349 (2022)
92. Xiaotian Zhang, Linye He, Xin Gan, Xiaocong Huang, Yixuan Du, Zhenshan Zhai, Zhuang Li, Yuanlin Zheng, Xianfeng Chen, Yangjian Cai, and Xianyu Ao, Quasi-bound states in the continuum enhanced second-harmonic generation in thin-film Lithium Niobate, Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2200031 (2022)
91. Qian Zhao, Shijie Tu, Qiannan Lei, Chengshan Guo, Qiwen Zhan, and Yangjian Cai, Creation of cylindrical vector beams through highly anisotropic scattering media with a single scalar transmission matrix calibration, Photonics Research 10, 1617-1623 (2022)
90. Kaili Sun, Hui Jiang, Dmitry A. Bykov, Vien Van, Uriel Levy, Yangjian Cai, and Zhanghua Han, 1D quasi-bound states in the continuum with large operation bandwidth in the 𝜔∼𝑘 space for nonlinear optical applications, Photonics Research 10, 1575-1581 (2022)
89. Qian Zhao, Shijie Tu, Qianqian Lei, Qiangyang Yue, Chengshan Guo, and Yangjian Cai, Edge enhancement of phase objects through complex media by using transmission-matrix-based spiral phase contrast imaging, Frontiers of Physics 17, 52503 (2022)
88. Qian Zhao, Shijie Tu, Hongyu Sun, Bernhard J. Hoenders, Yangjian Cai, and Lei Gong, Motionless synthesis and scanning of lattice light sheets with a single digital micromirror device, Applied Physics Letters 120, 211106 (2022)
87. Haiyun Wang, Zhaohui Yang, Kun Liu, Yahong Chen, Lin Liu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Generalized high-order twisted partially coherent beams and their propagation characteristics, Frontiers of Physics 17, 52506 (2022)
86. Zengrun Wen, Song Gao, Weiming Wang, Kaile Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Yuanmei Gao, Non-Hermitian mode-locking synthesized by parity-time and anti-parity-time symmetric modulations, Optics Letters 47, 3443-3446 (2022)
85. Xiang Zang, Wensong Dan, Fei Wang, Yimin Zhou, Yangjian Cai, and Guoquan Zhou, Dependence of autofocusing ability of a ring Airyprime beams array on the number of beamlets, Optics Letters 47, 5654-5647 (2022)
84. Zhaohui Yang, Haiyun Wang, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Greg Gbur, Olga Korotkova, and Yangjian Cai, Measurement of the coherence-orbital angular momentum matrix of a partially coherent beam, Optics Letters 44, 4467-4470 (2022)
83. Fei Wang, Zhaohui Yang, Yahong Chen, Olga Korotkova, and Yangjian Cai, Coherence–orbital angular momentum matrix of Schell-model sources, Optics Letters 47, 2826-2829 (2022)
82. Yimeng Zhu, Zhen Dong, Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, and Yangjian Cai, Compact generation of robust Airy pattern with spatial coherence engineering, Optics Letters 47, 2846-2849 (2022)
81. Xiaobo He, Huatian Hu, Zhenyu Yang, Yangjian Cai, Wenqiang Wang, Zhanhua Han, Junjun Shi, and Hongxing Xu, On-chip detection of multiwavelength surface plasmon polaritons based on plasmonic demultiplexers, ACS Photonics 9, 391-397 (2022)
80. Yonglei Liu, Xuan Zhang, Zhen Dong, Deming Peng, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Robust far-field optical image transmission with structured random light beams, Physical Review Applied 17, 024043 (2022)
79. Xuan Zhang, Yonglei Liu, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Noncentrosymmetric far-zone spectral density induced by light scattering with random media having parity-time symmetry, Physical Review A 105, 023510 (2022)
78. Haiyun Wang, Xiaofeng Peng, Hao Zhang, Lin Liu, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental synthesis of partially coherent beam with controllable twist phase and measuring its orbital angular momentum, Nanophotonics 11, 689-696 (2022)
77. Shuqin Lin, Jidong Wu, Ying Xu, Xinlei Zhu, Greg Gbur, Yangjian Cai, and Jiayi Yu, Analysis and experimental demonstration of propagation features of radially polarized specific non-uniformly correlated beams, Optics Letters 47, 305-308 (2022)
76. Yangsheng Yuan, Jiqian Zhang, Junjie Dang, Wenjie Zheng, Guochen Zheng, Peng Fu, Jun Qu, Bernhard J. Hoenders, Yuefeng Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Enhanced fiber-coupling efficiency via high-order partially coherent flat-topped beams for free-space optical communications, Optics Express 30, 5634-5643 (2022)
75. Junjun Shi, Xiaobo He, Wen Chen, Yang Li, Meng Kang, Yangjian Cai, and Hongxing Xu, Remote dual-cavity enhanced second harmonic generation in a hybrid plasmonic waveguide Nano Letters 22, 688-694 (2022)
74. Gaofeng Wu, Haiyun Wang, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Rotation of degree of coherence and redistribution of transverse energy flux induced by non-circular degree of coherence of twisted partially coherent sources, Optics Express 30, 3913-3925 (2022)
73. Hao Zhang, Jun Zeng, Xingyuan Lu, Zhuoyi Wang, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Review on fractional vortex beam, Nanophotonics 11, 241-273 (2022) Invited Review
72. Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Partially coherent light beam shaping via complex spatial coherence structure engineering, Advances in Physics: X 7, 2009742 (2022) Invited Review
71. Zhuoyi Wang, Xingyuan Lu, Wenrui Huang, A. P. Konijnenberg, Hao Zhang, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Measuring the complete complex correlation matrix of a partially coherent vector beam via self-referencing holography, Applied Physics Letters 119, 111101 (2021)
70. Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Zhen Dong, Yangjian Cai, Andrea Norrman, Jose J. Gil, Ari T. Friberg, and Tero Setala, Structure of transverse spin in focused random light, Physical Review A 104, 013516 (2021)
69. Shijie Tu, Xin Zhao, Qingyang Yue, Yangjian Cai, Chengshan Guo, and Qian Zhao, Shaping the illumination beams for STED imaging through highly scattering media, Applied Physics Letters 119, 211105 (2021)
68. Xin Liu, Yashar E. Monfared, Ruixuan Pan, Pujuan Ma, Yangjian Cai, and Chunhao Liang, Experimental realization of scalar and vector perfect Laguerre-Gaussian beams, Applied Physics Letters 119, 021105 (2021)
67. Yonglei Liu, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Chunhao Liang, and Olga Korotkova, Robust far-field imaging by spatial coherence engineering, Opto-Electronic Advances 4, 210027(2021)
66. Deming Peng, Zhaofeng Huang, Yonglei Liu, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, and Yangjian Cai, Optical coherence encryption with structured random light, PhotoniX 2, 6 (2021)
65. Peng Li, Yu Yin, Shijun Zhu, Qinghua Wang, Zhenhua Li, and Yangjian Cai, Constructing light with high precision through source coherence, Applied Physics Letters 119, 041102 (2021)
64. Xinlei Zhu, Jiayi Yu, Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Synthesis of vector nonuniformly correlated light beams by a single digital mirror device, Optics Letters 46, 2996-2999 (2021)
63. Chunhao Liang, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Temporal boundary solitons and extreme superthermal light statistics, Physical Review Letters 127, 053901 (2021)
62. Jing Fang, Changda Zhou, Zhen Mou, Shuyun Wang, Jiayi Yu, Yuanjie Yang, Greg Gbur, Shuyun Teng, and Yangjian Cai, High order plasmonic vortex generation based on spiral nanoslits, New Journal of Physics 23, 033013 (2021)
61. Han Lv, Tong Zhou, Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Young’s interference experiment for generating light with non-uniform coherence states, Optics Letters 46, 693-696 (2021)
60. Jiayi Yu, Xinlei Zhu, Shuqin Lin, Fei Wang, Greg Gbur, and Yangjian Cai, Vector partially coherent beams with prescribed non-uniform correlation structure, Optics Letters 45, 3824-3827 (2020)
59. Zhaofeng Huang, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, and Yangjian Cai,Measuring complex degree of coherence of random light fields with generalized Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment, Physical Review Applied 13, 044042 (2020)
58. Xiaofei Li, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Zhiheng Xu, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Chunhao Liang, Universal self-similar asymptotic behavior of optical bump spreading in random medium atop incoherent background, Optics Letters 45, 698-701 (2020)
57. Yongtao Zhang, Olga Korotkova, Yangjian Cai, and Greg Gbur, Correlation-induced orbital angular momentum changes, Physical Review A 102, 063513(2020)
56. Juntao Hu, Yuping Tai, Liuhao Zhu, Zixu Long, Miaomiao Tang, Hehe Li, Xinzhong Li, and Yangjian Cai,Optical vortex with multi-fractional orders, Applied Physics Letters 116, 201107 (2020)
55. Xianlong Liu, Jun Zeng, and Yangjian Cai, Review on vortex beams with low spatial coherence, Advances in Physics: X 4, 1626766 (2019) Invited Review
54. Jiayi Yu, Xinlei Zhu, Fei Wang, Dongmei Wei, Greg Gbur, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental study of reducing beam wander by modulating the coherence structure of structured light beams, Optics Letters 44, 4371-4374 (2019)
53. Zhanghua Han, Yangjian Cai, Uriel Levy, and Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi, Novel terahertz sources in the form of multi-spectral resonators boosted by both pump light local field enhancement and terahertz Purcell effect, ACS Photonics 6, 2223-2230 (2019)
52. Han Wang, Lixia Liu, Changde Zhou, Jilian Xu, Meina Zhang, Shuyun Teng, and Yangjian Cai, Vortex beam generation with variable topological charge based on a spiral slit, Nanophotonics 8, 317-324(2019)
51. Jun Zeng, Xianlong Liu, Fei Wang, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Partially coherent fractional vortex beam, Optics Express 26, 26830-26844 (2018)
50. Yuanjie Yang, Xinlei Zhu, Jun Zeng, Xingyuan Lu, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Anomalous Bessel vortex beam: modulating orbital angular momentum with propagation, Nanophotonics 7, 677-682 (2018)
49. Yangjian Cai, Yahong Chen, Jiayi Yu, Xianlong Liu, and Lin Liu, Generation of partially coherent beams, Progress in Optics 62, 157-223 (2017) Invited Review
48. Chunhao Liang, Gaofeng Wu, Fei Wang, Wei Li, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Overcoming classical Rayleigh diffraction limit by controlling two-point correlations of partially coherent light sources, Optics Express 25, 28353-28362 (2017).
47. Xianlong Liu, Xiaofeng Peng, Lin Liu, Gaofeng Wu, Chengliang Zhao, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Self-reconstruction of the degree of coherence of a partially coherent vortex beam obstructed by an opaque obstacle, Applied Physics Letters 110, 181104 (2017).
46. Xianlong Liu, Fei Wang, Lin Liu, Yahong Chen, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Complex degree of coherence measurement for classical statistical fields, Optics Letters 42, 77-80 (2017).
45. Xianlong Liu, Jiayi Yu, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Propagation of optical coherence lattices in the turbulent atmosphere, Optics Letters 41, 4182-4185 (2016)
44. Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, Xianlong Liu, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Self-reconstruction of partially coherent light beams scattered by opaque obstacles, Optics Express 24, 23735-23746 (2016).
43. Yahong Chen, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental generation of optical coherence lattices, Applied Physics Letters 109, 061107 (2016)
42. Yahong Chen, Fang Wang, Jiayi Yu, Lin Liu, and Yangjian Cai, Vector Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam, Optics Express 24, 15232-15250 (2016)
41. Lin Liu, Yusheng Huang, Yahong Chen, Lina Guo, and Yangjian Cai, Orbital angular moment of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam with a twist phase, Optics Express 23,30283-30296 (2015)
40. Yahong Chen, Jiaxin Gu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Self-splitting properties of a Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam, Physical Review A 91,013823 (2015)
39. Xianlong Liu, Fei Wang, Cun Wei, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental study of turbulence-induced beam wander and deformation of a partially coherent beam, Optics Letters 39, 3336-3339 (2014)
38. Yahong Chen and Yangjian Cai, Generation of a controllable optical cage by focusing a Laguerre-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam, Optics Letters 39, 2549-2552 (2014)
37. Gaofeng Wu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Generation and self-healing of a radially polarized Bessel-Gaussian beam, Physical Review A 89, 043807(2014)
36. Yangjian Cai and Shijun Zhu, Orbital angular moment of a partially coherent beam propagating through an astigmatic ABCD optical system with loss or gain, Optics Letters 39, 1968-1971 (2014)
35. Chunhao Liang, Fei Wang, Xianlong Liu, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Experimental generation of cosine-Gaussian-correlated Schell-model beams with rectangular symmetry, Optics Letters 39,769-772 (2014)
34. Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Lin Liu, Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Generation and propagation of a partially coherent vector beam with special correlation functions, Physical Review A 89, 013801 (2014)
33. Yangjian Cai, Yahong Chen, and Fei Wang, Generation and propagation of partially coherent beams with non-conventional correlation functions: a review, Journal of Optical Society of America A 31, 2083-2096 (2014) Invited Review
32. Yuanjie Yang, Yuan Dong, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Generation and propagation of an anomalous vortex beam, Optics Letters 38,5418-5421 (2013)
31. Xianlong Liu, Yan Shen, Lin Liu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental demonstration of vortex phase-induced reduction in scintillation of a partially coherent beam, Optics Letters 38, 5323-5326 (2013)
30. Shijun Zhu, Xianglong Zhu, Lin Liu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Theoretical and experimental studies of the spectral changes of a polychromatic partially coherent radially polarized beam, Optics Express 21, 27682-27696 (2013)
29. Fei Wang, Xianlong Liu, Lin Liu, Yangsheng Yuan, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental study of the scintillation index of a radially polarized beam with controllable spatial coherence, Applied Physics Letters 103, 091102 (2013)
28. Fei Wang, Xianlong Liu, Yangsheng Yuan, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental generation of partially coherent beams with different complex degrees of coherence, Optics Letters 38, 1814-1816 (2013)
27. Yiming Dong, Fei Wang, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Effect of spatial coherence on propagation, tight focusing and radiation forces of an azimuthally polarized beam, Physical Review A 86, 013840 (2012)
26. Chengliang Zhao, Fei Wang, Yuan Dong, Yujing Han, and Yangjian Cai, Effect of spatial coherence on determining the topological charge of a vortex beam, Applied Physics Letters 101, 261104 (2012)
25. Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Yiming Dong, and Olga Korotkova, Experimental generation of a radially polarized beam with controllable spatial coherence, Applied Physics Letters 100,051108 (2012)
24. Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, and Yahya Baykal, Twist phase-induced reduction in scintillation of a partially coherent beam in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Letters 37, 184-186 (2012)
23. Yiming Dong, Yangjian Cai, Chengliang Zhao and Min Yao, Statistics properties of a cylindrical vector partially coherent beam, Optics Express 19, 5979-5992 (2011)
22. Fei Wang, Gaofeng Wu, Xianlong Liu, Shijun Zhu, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental measurement of the beam parameters of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model source, Optics Letters 36, 2722-2724 (2011)
21. Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai, Trapping two types of particles using a focused partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beam, Optics Letters 36, 2251-2253 (2011)
20. Gaofeng Wu, Yangjian Cai, Detection of a semi-rough target in turbulent atmosphere by a partially coherent beam, Optics Letters 36, 1939-1941 (2011)
19. Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Second-order statistics of a twisted Gaussian Schell-model beam in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 18, 24661-24672 (2010)
18. Min Yao, Yangjian Cai, Olga Korotkova, Qiang Lin and Zhaoying Wang, Spatio-temporal coupling of random electromagnetic pulses interacting with reflecting gratings, Optics Express 18, 22503-22514 (2010)
17. Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai and Olga Korotkova, Radiation force of scalar and electromagnetic twisted Gaussian Schell-model beams, Optics Express 17, 21472-21487 (2009)
16. Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai and Olga Korotkova, Partially coherent standard and elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beams of all orders, Optics Express 17, 22366-22379 (2009)
15. Yangsheng Yuan, Yangjian Cai, Jun Qu, Halil T. Eyyuboğlu, Yahya Baykal, and Olga Korotkova, M2-factor of coherent and partially coherent dark hollow beams propagating in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 17, 17344-17356 (2009)
14. Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, and Olga Korotkova, Ghost imaging with twisted Gaussian Schell-model beam, Optics Express 17, 2450-2464 (2009)
13. Yangjian Cai, Olga Korotkova, Halil T. Eyyuboğlu, Yahya Baykal, Active laser radar systems with stochastic electromagnetic beams in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 16, 15834-15846 (2008)
12. Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Experimental generation of a partially coherent flat-topped beam, Optics Letters 33, 1795-1797 (2008)
11. Min Yao, Yangjian Cai, Halil T. Eyyuboğlu, Yahya Baykal, Olga Korotkova, Evolution of the degree of polarization of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam in a Gaussian cavity, Optics Letters 33, 2266-2268 (2008)
10. Yangjian Cai, Model for an anomalous hollow beam and its paraxial propagation, Optics Letters 32, 3179-3181 (2007)
9. Yangjian Cai, Ulf Peschel, Second-harmonic generation by an astigmatic partially coherent beam, Optics Express 15, 15480- 15492 (2007)
8. Yangjian Cai, Yuntian Chen, Halil T. Eyyuboğlu, Yahya Baykal, Scintillation index of elliptical Gaussian beam in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Letters 32, 2405-2407 (2007)
7. Yangjian Cai, Li Hu, Propagation of partially coherent twisted anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model beams through an apertured astigmatic optical system, Optics Letters 31, 685-688 (2006)
6. Yangjian Cai, Sailing He, Propagation of various dark hollow beams in a turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 14, 1353-1367 (2006)
5. Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, Shiyao Zhu, Coincidence fractional Fourier transform with entangled photon pairs and incoherent light, Applied Physics Letters 86, 021112 (2005)
4. Yangjian Cai, Shiyao Zhu, Ghost imaging with incoherent and partially coherent light radiation, Physical Review E 71, 056607 (2005)
3. Yangjian Cai, Shiyao Zhu, Ghost interference with partially coherent radiation, Optics Letters 29, 2716-2718 (2004)
2. Yangjian Cai, Xuanhui Lu, Qiang Lin, Hollow Gaussian beam and its propagation properties, Optics Letters 28, 1084-1086 (2003)
1. Qiang Lin, Yangjian Cai, Tensor ABCD law for partially coherent twisted anisotropic Gaussian-Schell model beams, Optics Letters 27, 216-218 (2002)
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