余佳益,男,1992年05月出生,浙江宁波人,理学博士,副教授,博士生导师,山东省青创团队负责人,山东省青年科技人才托举工程入选者,山东师范大学“东岳学者青年人才”。从事相干光学、光场调控、大气传输等科学研究,着重研究光场相干结构调控在自由空间激光通信、微粒俘获及操纵中的应用。主持国家自然科学基金3项,省部级自然科学基金4项;在Progress in Quantum Electronics, APL Photonics, ACS Photonics, Physical Review A, Optics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Express等国际知名杂志上发表SCI论文50余篇,其中受邀撰写综述7篇;授权专利5项;作国际国内学术会议邀请报告8次;2022年至今,担任Photonics国际期刊客座编辑(IF=2.676)。
34. Y. Xu, J. Wu, X. Zhao, Y. Zhang, X. Zhu, Y. Cai*, J. Yu*, “Switching of three-dimensional optical cages using spatial coherence engineering”, APL Photonics 9, 106119 (2024). (Featured Article)
33. J. Wu, X. Zhao, S. Lin, Y. Xu, R. Lin, J. Yu*, Y. Cai*, X. Zhu*, “Synthesis of astigmatic non-uniformly correlated beams”, Opt. Lett. 49(18), 5292-5295 (2024).
32. Y. Chen, J. Wu, S. Lin Y. Xu, R. Lin, J. Yu*, Y Cai* and X. Zhu*, “Optical spatial coherence-induced changes of Shannon entropy of a light beam in turbulence”, Opt. Express 31(19), 24086-34094 (2024).(Editor's Pick)
31. Y. Zhao, X. Zheng, Y. Chen, J. Yu*, Y. Cai, X. Zhu*, “Selection and control strategies of nonuniform coherence structures to further improve single-mode fiber coupling efficiency in turbulence”, Results Phys. 57, 107416 (2024).
30. J. Yu, X. Zhu, F. Wang, Y. Chen* and Y Cai*, “Research progress on manipulating spatial coherence structure of light beam and its applications”, Prog. Quant. Electron. 91-92, 100486 (2023).
29. H. Zhang, Y. Wang, R. Lin, J. Yu*, Y. Cai* and X. Zhu*, “Synthesis of partially coherent beams with a prescribed conjugate-model correlation structure”, Opt. Lett. 48(15), 4001-4004 (2023).
28. Z. Yan, Y. Xu, S. Lin, H. Chang, X. Zhu, Y. Cai and J. Yu*, “Enhancing fiber-coupling efficiency of beam-to-fiber links in turbulence by spatial non-uniform coherence engineering”, Opt. Express 31(16), 25680-25390 (2023).
27. Y. Xu, Y. Guan, Y. Liu, S. Lin, X. Zhu, Y. Cai* J. Yu* and G Gbur*, “Generating multi-focus beams with a spatial non-uniform coherence structure”, Opt. Lett. 48(10), 2631-2634 (2023).
26. J. Liu, Q. Du, F. Liu, K. Wang, J. Yu* and D. Wei*, “Vortex Beam Phase Correction Based on Deep Phase Estimation Network”, Acta Opt. Sin. 43(6), 0601013 (2023).
25. L. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Chang, J. Huang, X. Zhu, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “Second-Order Statistics of Self-Splitting Structured Beams in Oceanic Turbulence”, Photonics 10(3), 339 (2023).
24. H. Chang, X. Cai, F. Wang, Y. Zhang, G. Gbur, Y. Cai and J. Yu*, “On z-coherence of Schell-model sources carrying a prescribed astigmatic phase”, Opt. Lett. 48(3), 558 (2023).
23. D. Wei, K. Wang, Y. Xu, Q. Du, F. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Dong, L. Zhang, J. Yu*, Y. Cai* and X. Zhu*, “Propagation of a Lorentz Non-Uniformly Correlated Beam in a Turbulent Ocean”, Photonics 10(1), 49 (2023).
22. X. Zhu, J. Yu, Y. Chen, F. Wang* and Y. Cai*, “Generation of Stochastic Structured Light Beams with Controllable Beam Parameters”, ACS Photonics 10,2272 (2023).
21. J. Yu, Y. Xu, S. Lin, X. Zhu, G. Gbur* and Y. Cai*, “Longitudinal optical trapping and manipulating Rayleigh particles by spatial nonuniform coherence engineering”, Phys. Rev. A 106, 033511 (2022).
20. S. Lin, J. Wu, Y. Xu, X. Zhu, G. Gbur*, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “Analysis and experimental demonstration of propagation features of radially polarized specific non-uniformly correlated beams”, Opt. Lett. 47(2), 305-308 (2022).(Editor's Pick)
19. R. Lin, J. Wu, Y. Dong, G. Gbur, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “Second-order statistical properties of conjugate mode “double-H” partially coherent beams in turbulence”, Opt. Express 29(19), 30809-30821 (2021).
18. S. Lin, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “Research progress of propagation of beams with special correlation structure in turbulent atmosphere”, High Power Laser and Particle Beams 33(8), 081006 (2021).
17. R. Lin, M. Chen, Y. Liu, H. Zhang, G. Gbur, Y. Cai and J. Yu*, “Measuring refractive indices of a uniaxial crystal by structured light with non-uniform correlation”, Opt. Lett. 46(10), 2268-2271 (2021).
16. Y. Liu, R. Lin, F. Wang, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “Propagation properties of Laguerre-Gaussian Schell-model beams with a twist phase”, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Ra. 264, 107556 (2021).
15. Y. Gao, X. Gao, R. Lin, S. Lin, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “Periodic properties of Laguerre-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beams in a gradient-index fiber”, Optik 228, 165755 (2021).
14. S. Lin, J. Zhang, X. Zhu, F. Wang, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “Coupling efficiency of non-uniformly correlated beams into a single-mode fiber in turbulence (Invited)”, Inf. Laser Eng. 49(12), 20201049 (2021).
13. X. Zhao, L. Zhang, R. Lin, S. Lin, X. Zhu, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “Hermite Non-Uniformly Correlated Array Beams and Its Propagation Properties”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 37(12), 124202 (2020).(Editor's Suggestions)
12. X. Zhu, J. Yu*, Y. Chen*, F. Wang*, O. Korotkova and Y. Cai*, “Experimental synthesis of random light sources with circular coherence by digital micro-mirror device”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117(12), 121102 (2020).
11. S. Lin, C. Wang, X. Zhu, R. Lin, F. Wang, G. Gbur*, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “Propagation of radially polarized Hermite non-uniformly correlated beams in a turbulent atmosphere”, Opt. Express 28(19), 27238-27249 (2020).
10. J. Yu, X. Zhu, S. Lin, F. Wang*, G. Gbur* and Y. Cai*, “Vector partially coherent beams with prescribed non-uniform correlation structure”, Opt. Lett. 45(13), 3824-3827 (2020).
9. R. Lin, H. Yu, X. Zhu, L Lin, G. Gbur*, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “The evolution of spectral intensity and orbital angular momentum of twisted Hermite Gaussian Schell model beams in turbulence”, Opt. Express 28(5), 7152-7164 (2020).
8. J. Yu, S. Lin, Y. Xu, X. Zhu, F. Wang and Y. Cai*, “Research progress of propagation of partially coherent beams with special coherence structure in turbulent atmosphere”, Chin. J. Quantum Electoron. 37(4), 392-408 (2020).
7. J. Yu, Y. Huang, F. Wang*, X. Liu, G. Gbur* and Y. Cai*, “The scintillation properties of a partially coherent vector beam with vortex phase in turbulent atmosphere”, Opt. Express 27(19), 26676-26688 (2019).
6. J. Yu, X. Zhu, F. Wang, D. Wei, G. Gbur* and Y. Cai*, “Experimental study of reducing beam wander by modulating the coherence structure of structured light beams”, Opt. Lett. 44(17), 4371-4374 (2019)
5. J. Yu, Y. Huang, G. Gbur, F. Wang* and Y. Cai*, “Enhanced backscatter of vortex beams in double-pass optical links with atmospheric turbulence”, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 228, 1-10 (2019)
4. J. Yu, Y. Cai* and G. Gbur*, “Rectangular Hermite non-uniformly correlated beams and its propagation properties”, Opt. Express 26(21), 27894-27906 (2018).
3. J. Yu, F. Wang, L. Liu, Y. Cai* and G. Gbur*, “Propagation properties of Hermite non-uniformly correlated beams in turbulence”, Opt. Express 26(13), 16333-16343 (2018).
2. J. Yu, F. Wang and Y. Cai*, “Nonuniform Laguerre-Gaussian correlated beam and its propagation properties”, Acta. Phys. Sin. 65(21), 214202 (2016).
1. J. Yu, Y. Chen, L. Liu, X. Liu and Y. Cai*, “Splitting and combining properties of an elegant Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam in Kolmogorov and non-Kolmogorov turbulence” , Opt. Express 23(10), 13467-13481 (2015).
1. 朱新蕾,余佳益,王飞,蔡阳健,一种产生矢量非均匀关联光束的系统及方法,专利号:ZL 2021 1 0162596.5
2. 徐颖,刘永雷,蔺淑琴,蔡阳健,余佳益,一种部分相干光束捕获和操纵粒子的方法及装置,专利号:ZL 2020 1 1427232.7
3. 余佳益,朱新蕾,刘永雷,王飞,蔡阳健,一种产生普适非均匀关联光束的装置,专利号:ZL 2020 1 0175443.X
4. 余佳益,林蓉,刘永雷,高雅茹,蔡阳健,一种厄米非均匀关联光束的产生装置,专利号:ZL 2020 2 1552362.9
5. 余佳益,林蓉,刘永雷,高雅茹,蔡阳健,一种矢量非均匀厄米关联光束的产生装置,专利号:ZL 2020 2 1552395.3
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