岳庆炀 副教授


电子邮箱: qingyangyue@sdnu.edu.cn;151855686@qq.com     办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区文澜楼A座F212、F210







1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于条纹相机的单击超快压缩全息序列成像方法及其应用研究,2021.01-2024.1262万元,(主持,在研)。

2. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,基于数字全息的多通道时间分辨偏振显微成像方法及其在超快测量中的应用, 2019.07-2022.0615万元,(主持,已结题)。

3. 国家自然科学基金专项基金,具有表面微纳结构的InGaN/GaN功率LED光电热耦合的理论研究,2017.01-2017.12, 5万元,(主持,已结题)。

4. 国家自然科学基金重点(培育)项目,基于非线性镜锁模的中红外超快激光器理论及实验研究2020.01-2022.12, 78万元,(参与,已结题)。

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,热活化延迟荧光分子材料固态发光性质及机理理论研究2020.01-2023.12, 63万元,(参与,在研)。

6. 国家自然科学基金面上基金, 基于稀土掺杂晶体材料光波导的可见激光激发与性能研究2020.01-2023.12, 63万元,(参与,在研)。


1. J. Q Wang, Z. W. Qin, Y. L.Ma,Y. Yang, H. Y. Huang, C. S. Guo, Q. Y. Yue*. Micro-resonant cavity organic light-emitting diode with high refractive index contrast dielectric metasurfaces for naked-eye 3D display. Optics Communications, 129251 (2023) .

2. X. Li, D. Liu,Y. Huo, Q. Y. Yue, T. Ning. Low-voltage electro-optic switching and modulation of second harmonic generation in lithium niobate resonant waveguide gratings assisted by quasi-BICs. Optics & Laser Technology, 160, 109083 (2023).

3. Q. Zhao, S. Tu, Q. Lei, Q. Y. Yue, C. S. Guo, Y. Cai, Edge enhancement of phase objects through complex media by using transmission-matrix-based spiral phase contrast imaging. Frontiers of Physics, 17(5), 52503. (2022).

4. G. X. Chen, Y. Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, H. Y. Huang, Q-Y. Yue*, &C. S Guo. Compact common-path polarisation holographic microscope for measuring spatially-resolved Jones matrix parameters of dynamic samples in microfluidics. Optics Communications, 503, 127460,(2022).

5. Sun, Ruyi, Linguang Guo, Xinxin Shang, Huanian Zhang, and Qingyang Yue*. "Efficient Saturable Absorber Based on Ferromagnetic Insulator Cr2Ge2Te6 in Er-Doped Mode-Locked Fiber Laser" Nanomaterials 12, no. 5: 751,(2022).

6. G. X. Chen, H. Y. Huang, Q. Zhao, Q-Y. Yue*, &C. S Guo. Cylindrical wave-based off-axis digital holography with long field of view. Optics Letters, 47(3), 449-452,(2022).

7. S. J. Tu, X. Zhao, Q-Y.Yue, Y. J. Cai, C. S.Guo, & Q. Zhao,Shaping the illumination beams for STED imaging through highly scattering media. Applied Physics Letters, 119(21), 211105 , (2021).

8. X. Shang, L. Guo, H. Zhang, D. Li, & Q-Y Yue*, Passive mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser pulse generation based on titanium disulfide saturable absorber. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 22(5), 756-766. (2021).

9. T. Ning, X. Li, Y. Zhao, L. Yin, Y. Huo, L. Zhao &Q-Y Yue*, Giant enhancement of harmonic generation in all-dielectric resonant waveguide gratings of quasi-bound states in the continuum. Optics Express, 28(23), 34024-340342020.

10. X. X Shang, L. G. Guo, H. N. Zhang, D. W. Li, & Q.-Y. Yue*. Titanium Disulfide Based Saturable Absorber for Generating Passively Mode-Locked and Q-Switched Ultra-Fast Fiber Lasers. Nanomaterials, 10(10), 1922.(2020).

11. Z. Mou,  X. Lu, H Lv, Y. Han, Q.-Y. Yue., S. Wang,& S. Teng, “Metasurface Array Illuminator Based on Fresnel Holography”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 131, 106146. (2020).

12. J-H Zhao, L. Ye, X Jiao, Q.-Y. Yue, & Y. Liu, The damage investigations of 4HSiC after P-ion irradiation. Applied Physics A, 126(7), 1-7. (2020).

13. H.-Y. Huang, Z.-J. Cheng, Y. Yang, Q.-Y. Yue,and C.-S. Guo*."Single-shot ultrafast sequential holographic imaging with high temporal resolution and a large field of view". Optics Letters, 44(19), 4885-4888,(2019).

14. Z.-J. Cheng, Y. Yang, H.-Y. Huang,Q.-Y. Yue,and C.-S. Guo*. "Single-shot quantitative birefringence microscopy for imaging birefringence parameters." Optics Letters 44(12): 3018-3021,(2019).

15. L.-L. Ye., Y. Liu, S. Li., G. Fu, Q.-Y. Yue*,J.-H. Zhao*."Refractive index enhanced well-type waveguide in Nd: YGG crystal fabricated by swift Kr 8+-ion irradiation". Optical Materials Express, 9(4), 1907-1914,(2019)

16. Q.-Y. Yue*, Y. Yang, Z.-J. Cheng, and C.-S. Guo, "Numerical analysis of light extraction enhancement of GaN-based thin-film flip-chip light-emitting diodes with high-refractive-index buckling nanostructures." Results in Physics 9: 1345-1351,(2018).

17. Y.Yang, Z.-J. Cheng, H.-M Zhao, Q.-Y. Yue, & C.-S. Guo*,Quantitative phase imaging system with slightly-off-axis configuration and suitable for objects both larger and smaller than the size of the image sensor. Optics express, 26(13), 17199-17208, (2018)

18. .Q.-Y. Yue, Z.-J. Cheng, L. Han, Y. Yang, and C.-S. Guo*, "One-shot time-resolved holographic polarization microscopy for imaging laser-induced ultrafast phenomena," Opt. Express 25, 14182-14191 (2017).

19. L. Han, Z.-J. Cheng, Y. Yang, B.-Y. Wang, Q.-Y. Yue, and C.-S. Guo*, "Double-channel angular-multiplexing polarization holography with common-path and off-axis configuration," Opt. Express 25, 21877-21886 (2017).

20. Y.-Y. Xie, B.-Y. Wang,Z.-J. Cheng, Q.-Y. Yue, and C.-S. Guo*, "Measurement of vector transmission matrix and control of beam focusing through a multiple-scattering medium based on a vector spatial light modulator and two-channel polarization holography." Applied Physics Letters, 110(22), 221105., (2017).

21. Q.-Y. Yue, K. Li*, F.-M. Kong, J. Zhao, and M. Liu, "Analysis on the effect of amorphous photonic crystals on light extraction efficiency enhancement for GaN-based thin-film-flip-chip light-emitting diodes," Optics Communications 367, 72-79 (2016).

22. Y.-Y. Xie, Z.-J. Cheng, X. Liu, B.-Y. Wang, Q.-Y. Yue, and C.-S. Guo*, "Simple method for generation of vector beams using a small-angle birefringent beam splitter," Opt. Lett. 40, 5109-5112 (2015).

23. Q.-A. Ding, K. Li*, F.-M. Kong, J. Zhao, and Q.-Y. Yue, "Improving the vertical light extraction efficiency of GaN-based thin-film flip-chip LED with double embedded photonic crystals," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 51, 1-9 (2015).

24. .Q.-Y. Yue, K. Li*, F.-M. Kong, J. Zhao, and Q. Ding, "Analysis on the Light-Extraction Efficiency of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes With Deep-Hole Amorphous Photonic Crystals Structures," Journal of Display Technology 10, 1070-1077 (2014).

25. .Q.-Y. Yue, K. Li*, F.-M. Kong, J. Zhao, and W. Li, "Analysis on the light extraction efficiency of GaN-based nanowires light-emitting diodes," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 49, 697-704 (2013).

26. .Q.-Y. Yue, W. Li, F.-M. Kong and K. Li*, "Enhancing the out-coupling efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes using two-dimensional periodic nanostructures," Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2012 (2012).

27. Q.-Y. Yue, K. Li*, F.-M. Kong and J. Zhao, "Study on the light extraction efficiency of GaN-based light emitting diode by using the defects of the photonic crystals," Acta Physica Sinica 20, 075 (2012)






1. 中国发明专利: 岳庆炀、国承山、杨杨、程振加, 一种具有类光栅结构的宽频高光提取 LED 芯片及其制作方法,授权, ZL201810074158.1

2. 中国发明专利: 国承山、岳庆炀、程振加、韩璐、杨杨, 基于超快激光的高时间分辨全息偏振显微成像系统及方法,授权,ZL201710438947.4

3. 中国发明专利: 国承山、程振加、王本义、谢一言、岳庆炀, 一种基于双折射偏振分束器产生矢量光束的方法及装置,授权, ZL201510677701.3

4. 中国发明专利:国承山、王本义、程振加、谢一言、岳庆炀, 一种基于互补随机抽样的无透镜衍射成像方法,授权, ZL201510698056.3

5. 中国发明专利:国承山、谢一言、 王本义、程振加、 岳庆炀; 一种散射介质矢量透射矩阵的测量装置和方法,授权, ZL201710379505.7
