郁菁 副教授


电子邮箱: yujing1608@sdnu.edu.cn/yujing1608@126.com     办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区F431

郁菁,男,1989年01月出生,山东济南人,博士,毕业于中国科学技术大学。2016年09月至今,山东师范大学凝聚态物理专业硕士生导师;2018年06月-2018年12月,山东省科技厅基础研究处借调;2019年06月-2020年12月,香港中文大学访问学者(合作导师:王建方);中国物理学会会员。主要研究方向为表面等离激元效应及其在纳米科学中的应用。目前以第一或通讯作者身份在包括J. Phys. Chem. Lett.、Anal. Chem.、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Opt. Express、Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.、Adv. Mater. Interfaces、Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem.等国际权威刊物发表SCI收录论文21篇,获授权发明专利5项,参与发表论文30余篇,主持国家自然科学基金2项、山东省自然科学基金2项、中国博士后面上项目1项,国家重点实验室开放基金1项。担任J. Phys. Chem. Lett.、ACS Appl.Mater. Inter.、Opt. Express、Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等期刊审稿人。







1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(No. 11904214) 27万 主持

2. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目(No. 11747076) 5万 主持

3. 山东省自然科学基金重点项目(ZR2020KA004)30万 主持

4. 山东省自然科学基金博士基金(No. ZR2017BA018)10万 主持

5. 中国博士后面上项目(No. 2017M612322)5万 主持

6. 生物多糖纤维成形与生态纺织国家重点实验室开放课题(KF2020204)5万 主持

7. 山东师范大学青年培育基金2万 主持

8. 山东师范大学启动基金4万 主持

9. 山东省非教育系统公派留学项目(No. 201901028)12万 主持

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 51272246) 80万 参与

11. 安徽省重大科技攻关计划(No. 12010202035)86万 参与


部分论文节选,详细内容可参见谷歌学术档案:Jing Yu(郁菁)

[1]Xu, J. H.; Si, Y.; Li, Z.; Jiang, S. Z.; Xiu, X. W.; Lei, F. C.; Du, X. J.; Man, B. Y.;Yu, J.*(通讯); Zhang, C.* Multiscale structure enabled effective plasmon coupling and molecular enriching for SERS detection.Applied Surface Science2021,544.

[2]Liu, C. D.; Lei, F. C.; Li, J.; Wei, Y. S.; Li, Z.; Zhang, C.; Man, B. Y.*;Yu, J.*(通讯) Integrated accurate extraction and fast detection of analyte: Capillarity-Based SERS substrate using in effluent monitoring.Applied Surface Science2021,542.

[3]Zhou, T.; Wang, Y.; Lei, F.;Yu, J.*(通讯) In-situ Electrospinning for Intestinal Hemostasis.International Journal of Nanomedicine2020,15, 3869.

[4]Yu, J.(一作); Yang, M.; Li, Z.; Liu, C.; Wei, Y.; Zhang, C.*; Man, B.; Lei, F.* Hierarchical Particle-In-Quasicavity Architecture for Ultratrace In Situ Raman Sensing and Its Application in Real-Time Monitoring of Toxic Pollutants.Analytical Chemistry2020,92, 14754.

[5]Lu, J.; Song, Y.*; Lei, F.; Du, X.; Huo, Y.; Xu, S.; Li, C.; Ning, T.;Yu, J.*(通讯); Zhang, C.* electric field-Modulated Surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy by PVDF/Ag Hybrid.Scientific Reports2020,10, 1.

[6]Lu, J.; Du, X.; Li, Z.; Song, Y.; Zhang, C.*;Yu, J.*(通讯); Peng, Q.* Preparation of 3D ZnTiO3/Ag NPs composite as the photocatalytic SERS-active substrate with well reusability.Applied Optics2020,59, 5589.

[7]Liu, C.; Yang, M.;Yu, J.*(通讯); Lei, F.; Wei, Y.; Peng, Q.; Li, C.; Li, Z.; Zhang, C.; Man, B.* Fast multiphase analysis: Self-separation of mixed solution by a wettability-controlled CuO@Ag SERS substrate and its applications in pollutant detection.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2020,307, 127663.

[8]Yu, J.(一作); Wei, Y.; Wang, H.; Zhang, C.; Wei, Y.; Wang, M.; Man, B.; Lei, F.* In situ detection of trace pollutants: a cost-effective SERS substrate of blackberry-like silver/graphene oxide nanoparticle cluster based on quick self-assembly technology.Optics Express2019,27, 9879.

[9]Yu, J.(一作); Guo, Y.; Wang, H.; Su, S.; Zhang, C.*; Man, B.; Lei, F.* Quasi optical cavity of hierarchical ZnO nanosheets@ Ag nanoravines with synergy of near-and far-field effects for in situ Raman detection.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2019,10, 3676.

[10]Du, X.;Yu, J.(共一); Xiu, X.; Sun, Q.; Tang, W.*; Man, B. Epitaxial growth and characterization of high quality In2O3 films on a-plane sapphire substrates by MOCVD.Vacuum2019,167, 1.

[11]Yu, J.(一作); Yang, M.; Zhang, C.; Yang, S.; Sun, Q.; Liu, M.; Peng, Q.; Xu, X.; Man, B.*; Lei, F.* Capillarity-Assistant Assembly: A Fast Preparation of 3D Pomegranate-Like Ag Nanoparticle Clusters on CuO Nanowires and Its Applications in SERS.Advanced Materials Interfaces2018,5, 1800672.

[12]Yang, M.;Yu, J.*(通讯); Lei, F.*; Zhou, H.; Wei, Y.; Man, B.; Zhang, C.; Li, C.; Ren, J.; Yuan, X*. Synthesis of low-cost 3D-porous ZnO/Ag SERS-active substrate with ultrasensitive and repeatable detectability.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2018,256, 268.

[13]Yang, M.;Yu, J.*(通讯); Jiang, S.; Zhang, C.; Sun, Q.; Wang, M.; Zhou, H.; Li, C.; Man, B.; Lei, F.* High stability luminophores: Fluorescent CsPbX3 (X= Cl, Br and I) nanofiber prepared by one-step electrospinning method.Optics Express2018,26, 20649.

[14]Li, C.;Yu, J.(共一); Xu, S.; Jiang, S.; Xiu, X.; Chen, C.; Liu, A.; Wu, T.; Man, B.*; Zhang, C.* Constructing 3D and flexible plasmonic structure for high‐performance SERS application.Advanced Materials Technologies2018,3, 1800174.

[15]Guo, Y.;Yu, J.(共一); Li, C.; Li, Z.; Pan, J.; Liu, A.; Man, B.; Wu, T.; Xiu, X.*; Zhang, C.* SERS substrate based on the flexible hybrid of polydimethylsiloxane and silver colloid decorated with silver nanoparticles.Optics Express2018,26, 21784.

[16]Yu, J.(一作); Zhang, C.; Yang, S.; Chen, M.; Lei, F.*; Man, B.* Nano metal-enhanced power conversion efficiency in CH3NH3PbI3 solar cells.Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids2017,103, 16.

[17]Yu, J.(一作); Li, D.; Zhu, L.; Xu, X.* Application of ZnTiO3 in quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells and numerical simulations using first-principles theory.Journal of Alloys and Compounds2016,681, 88.

[18]Yu, J.(一作); Wang, H.; Yin, N.; Xu, X.* HF-assisted one-step synthesis of pompon-like/chip-like FeSe2 particles and their superamphiphobic/antireflective property.RSC Advances2014,4, 24163.

[19]Yu, J.(一作); Shao, W.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, H.; Liu, X.; Xu, X.* Nano Ag-enhanced energy conversion efficiency in standard commercial pc-Si solar cells and numerical simulations with finite difference time domain method.Applied Physics Letters2013,103, 203904.

[20]Yu, J.(一作); Hui-Jie, W.; Wei-Jia, S.; Xiao-Liang, X.* Superamphiphobic, light-trapping FeSe2 particles with a micro-nano hierarchical structure obtained by an improved solvothermal method.Chinese Physics B2013,23, 016803.


1. 山东省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖指导教师(2020)

2. “鲁南制药杯”第五届山东省大学生科技创新大赛二等奖指导教师(2018)

3. 第十届山东省大学生科技节物理科技创新大赛一等奖指导教师(2018)

4. 第十一届山东省大学生科技节物理科技创新大赛二等奖指导教师(2019)

5. 第十一届山东省大学生科技节物理科技创新大赛一等奖指导教师(2020)

6. 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划指导教师(2019、2020、2021)

7. 山东师范大学优秀学士学位论文指导教师(2018、2019)
